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Campus Resources

Programs & Institutes | Events & SeminarsAcademic & Professional Development | Clubs & Groups | International Students

Programs and Institutes

The O'Donohue Family Stanford Educational Farm

The educational farm is Stanford's home for hands-on learning in sustainable agriculture.

Woods Institute for the Environment

The Woods Institute harnesses the expertise and imagination of leading academics and decision-makers to create practical solutions for people and the planet.

Hopkins Marine Station

The Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove, CA, was founded in 1892 as the first marine laboratory on the west coast of North America. The modern laboratory facilities on the 11-acre campus on Cabrillo Point house ten faculty, all members of the Department of Biology.

Center for Ocean Solutions (COS)

A strategic collaboration between the Woods Institute, Hopkins Marine Station, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), COS focuses on finding practical and enduring solutions to the greatest challenges facing the oceans.

Program on Food Security and the Environment (FSE)

A strategic collaboration of the Woods Institute, FSE aims to generate innovative solutions to the persistent problems of global hunger and environmental damage from agricultural practices worldwide through a focused research portfolio and an interdisciplinary team of scholars.

Natural Capital Project

A strategic collaboration of the Woods Institute, the Natural Capital Project strives to align economic forces with conservation by mainstreaming natural capital into decisions.

The Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI) 

FSI is Stanford University's primary center for innovative research on major international issues and challenges.

Program on Energy and Sustainable Development (PESD)

Managed by FSI, PESD is an international, interdisciplinary program that draws on the fields of economics, political science, law, and management to investigate how the production and consumption of energy affect human welfare and environmental quality.

Precourt Energy Efficiency Center (PEEC)

PEEC promotes energy efficient technologies, systems, and practices; and emphasizes economically attractive deployment. PEEC works to understand and overcome market, policy, technology, and human behavioral barriers to economically efficient reductions of energy use and to inform public and private policymaking.

Global Climate and Energy Project (GCEP)

GCEP seeks new solutions to one of the grand challenges of this century: supplying energy to meet the changing needs of a growing world population in a way that protects the environment. Its mission is to conduct fundamental research on technologies that will permit the development of global energy systems with significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions.

McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society

The McCoy Center is committed to bring ethical reflection to bear on important social problems through research, teaching, and engagement. Current projects include the ethics of food and the environment and justice and education.

The Department of Global Ecology

Affiliated with the Carnegie Institution for Science, the Department of Global Ecology conducts basic research on the interactions among the earth's ecosystems, land, atmosphere, and oceans in order to understand how these interactions shape the behavior of the earth system, including its responses to future changes.

The Bill Lane Center for the American West 

The Bill Lane Center for the American West is dedicated to advancing scholarly and public understanding of the past, present, and future of western North America. The Center supports research, teaching, and reporting about western land and life in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

Center for Conservation Biology

The CCB promotes human well-being by developing a scientific basis for managing Earth's life-support systems and helping arrest environmental deterioration.

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Events and Seminars

Earth System Science (ESS) Seminars 
ESS facilitates a weekly Wednesday seminar series that features a wide variety of perspectives.
Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Seminars
CEE facilitates the Atmosphere/Energy Seminar, Energy Seminar, and Solar and Wind Energy Project (SWEP) meetings.
The Energy Seminar 
The weekly Energy Seminar, chaired by Professor Sally Benson and managed by the Precourt Institute for Energy and the Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford, informs the Stanford community about a wide range of energy and climate change issues and perspectives.
McCoy Family Center for Ethics In Society Events
The McCoy Center facilitates seminars such as Ethics @ Noon, Food & Environment, and Tanner Lectures.
Young Environmental Scholars Seminar Series 
The Woods Institute facilitates this seminar series.

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Academic and Professional Development

Stanford Undergrad

Stanford Undergrad is your guide to undergraduate academics and opportunities run by the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education.

Vice Provost for Graduate Education (VPGE)

The VPGE serves graduate students and programs by providing fellowship and other funding opportunities, sponsoring the Stanford Graduate Summer Institute, and a variety of professional development opportunities. VPGE's overall mission is to improve the experience of graduate students on campus.

Gateway for New Graduate Students

This site is to welcome, inform and connect incoming graduate students to Stanford.

Graduate Life Office (GLO)

A division of the Dean of Students Affairs Office, GLO's purpose is to serve the needs of graduate students and student families who live on and off campus. GLO is as a comprehensive resource for information and advice regarding all aspects of graduate student life; helps students manage personal difficulties; works closely with graduate student organizations, and participates in campus-wide initiatives that address graduate student needs and concerns. The GLO deans are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days week.

Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

CTL promotes effective teaching, learning, and speaking for faculty, teaching assistants, and students by providing a variety of complimentary services.

Stanford University Libraries

The sixteen Stanford University Libraries include Green Library, the main research library, as well as thirteen research branch libraries serving the sciences. Five other Coordinate Libraries including the Robert Crown Law Library are also great places to study.

Hume Center for Writing and Speaking 

The Hume Center is dedicated to helping Stanford students and faculty develop rich and varied abilities in all aspects of writing and communication. HWC offers individual meetings (by appointment or drop-in) with writing consultants, writing workshops, and other special events.

Office of International Affairs
Stanford Global Gateway

These portals to Stanford's international activities are continuously updated to feature Stanford faculty, scholars, and students working and studying abroad.

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Clubs and Groups

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International Students

Bechtel International Center

The Bechtel Center serves as a resource for international students, sponsors events, classes and workshops, and also administers overseas scholarships for U.S. students.

English for Foreign Students (EFS)

The English for Foreign Students Program in the Stanford Language Center offers courses to international graduate students in English as a second language (ESL) and training courses for prospective ESL teachers.

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