Petition Information

You must be formally declared as STS in order to submit a course petition as each petition is reviewed in the context of your approved individual curriculum package. STS majors may count no more than two approved course petitions (subject to staff approval) toward their individual STS Concentration Area requirements. 


  • Courses may not be petitioned for Core requirements - only Concentration Area requirements.
  • Freshman seminars are not eligible for petition.
  • If the course is taken at another institution, Stanford must first award you transfer credit if you would like the course to be considered for an STS Concentration Area requirement.

Course InformatiON  

Please upload as an attachment. If there is no syllabus, you may attach other supporting course materials as one attachment.


Describe the intellectual objectives that you have in mind for your selected Concentration Area in relation to the goals of the STS program set out in, for example, the program's “What is STS” page (maximum 200 words).

Describe the ways in which the petitioned course will advance these objectives, as well as complement other approved courses on your curriculum form (maximum 200 words):

The STS Director and/or Associate Director will review all submitted course petitions and the final decision will be communicated to the student via email.

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