Coterm Application and Enrollment


To be eligible to apply to any coterminal program, you must have:

  • earned 120 units
  • completed 6 non-summer quarters at Stanford (2 for transfer students)
  • declared a major

Additional application requirements and deadlines vary by graduate department and interdisciplinary program. Apply for admission directly with the department or program. In any given quarter, you may apply to only one coterminal master's degree.

Departments and programs determine the quarters in which you may begin your graduate career.

Please see important policies and procedures about applying to the coterminal program in the University Bulletin and on the Registrar's Office website.


After you accept an offer of admission into a master's degree program as a coterm, your graduate career will open in Axess. This designates your first graduate quarter, and you may enroll directly in courses toward both undergraduate and graduate careers. Note that Axess expects you to enroll in a minium of three units in each career per quarter, though this is not a university requirement. In case you run into technical difficulties with enrollment in Axess, visit the Student Services Center for assistance.

You may also transfer courses between careers before your bachelor's degree is conferred. Your graduate department or program sets the policy for the number of quarters during which you can transfer courses.

You also have many graduate student resources available, such as the Gateway for New Graduate Students.

Related information is in the University Bulletin, on the Registrar's Office website, and in the Graduate Academic Polices and Procedures.