Florence Language Prerequisite

Florence Prerequisite

  • The language pre-requisite has been waived for Winter and Spring Quarter 2016.
  • For Fall quarter, participants must have completed ITALLANG 3 or ITALLANG 2A.
  • Preference will be given to students with additional language study.

On-site Language Requirement

All students are required to continue their study of the Italian language once in Florence. Our on-site language requirement can be fulfilled as follows:

  • Students who have not completed the second-year language sequence via Stanford course work or placement test must enroll in either OSPFLOR 021F (completed 3, 2A or 21): Accelerated Second Year Italian Part A, or OSPFLOR 022F (completed 21A or 22): Accelerated Second Year Italian Part B while in Florence. Course enrollment will be determined according to students’ placement level or previous coursework. These courses are offered in Fall, Winter and Spring and the grading basis is Letter Grade Only. Please note that students who have completed 21 (second year 1st quarter of the non-accelerated sequence) within 6 months of arriving in Florence can take 22F in Florence; students who have completed 21 more than 6 months prior to their arrival must take 21F.
  • Students who have completed the second year language sequence via Stanford course work (22A or 23) or placement test must enroll in OSPFLOR031F: Advanced Oral Communication (if offered*) or in one of the many content courses conducted primarily in Italian offered at the Center every quarter. Students who have completed the second year language sequence and are staying in Florence for at least two quarters may also fulfill the on-site language requirement through a directed reading primarily in Italian, a class at the University of Florence, or an academic internship (for no less than four units of credit, letter grade only).

NOTE: *OSPFLOR 31F: Advanced Oral Communication is part of our curriculum in Fall, Winter and Spring but will only be offered if a sufficient number of students, who have successfully completed the necessary prerequisites (the second-year language sequence via Stanford course work or placement test), choose to enroll.

We recommend that all students, regardless of level, maximize their use of Italian while they are in Florence, both in and out of class. Our language instructor is very much available, also outside of regular class time, to help students work individually and in groups on bettering their oral and written skills.

As part of the language program, students are encouraged to take part in a number of extra-curricular language activities. For example, they can choose to participate in the "Friends a Firenze" program (i.e. a language exchange with University of Florence students), in public service activities, and in thematic workshops and tandem meetings with their Italian peers. All of these activities represent excellent opportunities to meet locals and improve language skills in an authentic context.

stanford language center

  • All students, including native speakers, are expected to demonstrate their level of language ability (writing, verbal and reading) by providing results of a recent language placement test or previous coursework. Please set up an appointment to speak with Allison Kopp at the Stanford Language Center.
  • For students who have completed the language prerequisite by other means, please contact the Stanford Language Center to determine if that preparation serves as an equivalent prerequisite.