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STRAMGT 356/366: Startup Garage Course Details

Startup Garage is an intensive hands-on, project-based course in which students design and test new business concepts that address real-world needs.

During the course, teams apply the concepts of design thinking, engineering, finance, and business and organizational skills to identify unmet customer needs, design new products or services that meet those needs, and develop business models to support the creation and launch of new products or services.

This course is appropriate for developing startups in the for-profit and nonprofit spaces. Even those teams that do not successfully launch a venture or that decide not to move forward will learn critical techniques about starting and launching a venture.

Over the two-quarter course, teams will interact extensively with the teaching team and a handful of seasoned advisors.

This is a demanding course that will push students but provides the resources to help them navigate the challenges of implementing an early-stage startup idea. By the end of the two quarters, teams will have the opportunity to:

  • Get out of the building and interact with users, advisors, investors, and partners to develop a deep understanding of the challenges they face, to field-test their proposed services, products, and business models, and to gather data
  • Interpret the data and make important startup decisions in the context of their own project: pivot, persevere, or perish
  • Develop creative go-to-market strategies and test their effectiveness
  • Develop and deliver in front of real investors an investor pitch, elevator pitch, and executive summary
  • Negotiate term sheets with venture investors
  • Develop a hiring plan for their first year of operation and consider equity and other compensation plans

Note: This is a two-quarter course. Students must apply for and participate in the fall in order to take the winter course.

S356 - Startup Garage: Design / Fall Quarter 2015

4 units
Location: The NGP CoLab at Stanford GSB
Section 1: Mon & Fri, 8 – 9:45am
Section 2: Mon & Fri, 10 – 11:45am

You can also register S356 as BIOE 376

Collaborative, multidisciplinary teams will identify and work with users, domain experts, and industry participants to identify and deeply understand customer needs and design products/services and business models to address those needs.

Each team will conceive, design, build, and field-test critical aspects of both the product or service and the business model. S356 integrates methods from human-centered design, lean startup, and business model planning.

The course focuses on developing entrepreneurial skills (using short lectures and in-class exercises) and applying those skills to specific problems faced by those users identified by the teams. Teams will get out of the building and interact directly with users and advisors to develop a deep understanding of the challenges they face and to field-test their proposed services/products and business models.

S366 - Startup Garage: Testing and Launch / Winter Quarter 2016

4 units
Location: The NGP CoLab at Stanford GSB
Mon & Fri, 10 – 11:45am (one section only)

You can also register S366 as BIOE 377

Teams that conclude the fall quarter with promising products/services and business models continue with S366, the winter-quarter course, where they iterate on their product or service prototypes and business models, and execute experiments to test key hypotheses.

During the quarter, teams engage in a robust venture-creation process that involves development and validation of a series of hypotheses about a new product or service, its value proposition, and how the business will acquire customers and partners, scale, and raise funds to achieve the key milestones to profitability or sustainability.

Teaching Team
Stefanos Zenios
Professor, Operations, Information & Technology
Saar Gur
Bob Lisbonne
Lecturer, Organizational Behavior
Russell Siegelman
Lecturer, Organizational Behavior
Donald Wood
Lecturer, Accounting
Katelyn Noderer
Assistant Director, CES