Climate Protection Program

Learn about the Climate Protection Program and its successful initiatives, including the 2050 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goal and Regional Climate Protection Strategy.

Acknowledging the link between climate protection and programs to reduce local air pollution, the Climate Protection Program aims to integrate programs to reduce climate-forcing pollutants with our long-standing programs to reduce air pollution, including regulations, enforcement, incentives, public education and outreach, and technical assistance to cities and counties. The Climate Protection Committee also provides direction on the Air District’s climate protection activities in the Bay Area.

2050 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goal

Building on state and regional climate protection efforts, the Air District adopted a resolution to reduce GHG emissions by:

  • Setting a goal for the Bay Area region to reduce GHG emissions by 2050 to 80% below 1990 levels.
  • Developing a Regional Climate Protection Strategy to make progress towards the 2050 goal, using the Air District's Clean Air Plan to initiate the process.
  • Developing a 10-point work program to guide the Air District’s climate protection activities in the near-term. 

Regional Climate Protection Strategy and 10-Point Work Program

The Air District is developing a Regional Climate Protection Strategy - to make progress toward achieving the 2050 goal for GHG emission reductions - that complements existing planning efforts at the state, regional, and local levels, utilizing the Air District's 2015 Clean Air Plan to initiate the process.

Recognizing that the Regional Climate Protection Strategy planning process takes time, the Air District developed a 10-Point Climate Action Work Program to guide climate protection activities in the near-term.  The 10-point work program is outlined below:

Policy approaches:

  • Set the GHG reduction goal and interim targets
  • Develop a regional climate action strategy
  • Initiate rule development
  • Launch a climate change and public health initiative
  • Explore the Bay Area's energy future

Assistance to local governments:

  • Support and enhance local action
  • Report progress to the public

Technical program:

  • Update inventorying and forecasting
  • Implement GHG emissions monitoring
  • Expand enforcement

More information about this program is available in the initial Board of Directors meeting packet.

Permit-Related Climate Protection Activities

Read the Air District’s Permit-Related Greenhouse Gas Activities Report to learn about climate protection activities that have been integrated into the agency’s permit programs.

Internal Climate Protection Activities

The Air District continues to review and apply measures to reduce internal electricity and fuel consumption. The Air District has reduced its carbon footprint by:

  • Establishing a green, energy-efficient fleet of vehicles
  • Offering transit subsidies for employees
  • Composting
  • Creating a “Green Team” who develop new GHG reduction efforts
  • Renovating Air District facilities with energy efficient upgrades

Contact Us

Geraldina Grunbaum
Environmental Planner II, Planning and Research


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