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Silicon Valley Energy Watch logoSVEW offers its services to businesses, public agencies, residents, nonprofits, schools, and farms. Many of our services apply to multiple sectors. Our primary services include:

Free benchmarking assistance
We will help you benchmark your facility with Energy Star Portfolio Manager. With building profiles and energy, water and gas meter data, you will be able to track the resource use intensity of your property over time, compare it to other similar properties through its Energy Star rating score, and to evaluate next steps towards lowering your energy use and utility bills. If your property receives an Energy Star score of 75 or higher, you are eligible to become Energy Star certified, an indication that your facility performs better than 75% of buildings in the United States.  

Energy audits and upgrades
Through our partnership with Ecology Action, SVEW offers turn-key efficiency retrofits and upgrades. We can provide your facility with a no-cost energy audit, comprehensive engineering energy assessment. We can help you to select the most cost-effective measures and to determine how best to finance them.

Proposition 39 assistance for schools
For K-12 schools in Santa Clara County, we offer free Proposition 39 assistance. SVEW provides walk through energy audits and assessments, financial planning, expenditure plan assistance, technical support, direct installations, and educational resources for both teachers and students.  

Financial guidance
No matter if  you are a small business, nonprofit, or renter, SVEW can provide you with financial guidance and a variety of resources to make sure your energy efficiency measures are as low-cost as possible. We can provide you with programs that offer incentives, rebates, grants, and other financing options, depending upon your eligibility.   

Educational resources
SVEW acts as a directory of educational resources available to the general public. For building owners, contractors, and those looking for technical training, PG&E hosts courses in a variety of energy-related topics, from energy and water auditing skills, to solar and photovoltaic systems. These free courses are held in a number of Bay Area locations throughout the year, and are open to the public, with or without a background in energy conservation. Please check PG&E's Energy Education Resources webpage for a schedule of education programs, energy measurement tools lending library, resources for educators and other resources and services.

This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by PG&E under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission