Meet your wellness team

Your BeWell Coaches

Julie Anderson
Working mom
Aspiring volleyball player
Fan of cooking shows

Ashley Gephart
Loves to cook
Enthusiastic sand dollar collector
Constantly trying to "make more time to read"

Marlon John
First time dad
Childhood nickname was “Eat"
Enjoys public speaking

Nathan McKenzie
Dart shark
Aspiring triathlete
Believes in aliens

Sarah Meyer
Mom of a first-grader
Relentless struggling swimmer
Moonlight hummus maker

Amanda Perez
Meditation novice
Sings while cooking
Animal lover

Rosalyne Tu
Novice gardener
Mother of a baby who does not sleep through the night 
Seeks harmony in life

Natalia75Natali Mendoza-Perez
Enjoys salsa dancing
Loves to learn

Nicole Cooper
Slow-cooker enthusiast
Nespresso coffee lover

Laura Becker-Lewke
Labyrinth enthusiast
Avid singer and dancer
Heart for orphans

Laurie Ausserer
Must get her daily nature fix
Often forgets to act like a grown up
Patiently waiting to be a grandmother
Debbie Balfanz
Juggles multiple life roles
Self-confessed shopaholic
Wannabe personal stylist

Soowon Kim
Grateful learner
People first

Remembers the Creator

Jerrie Thurman
Family values
Loves movement, music and singing
Bargain shopper

 Tia Rich
Portrait artist
Kale connoisseur

Jayna Rogers
Mom of a kindergartner
Taking up road cycling
Loves work and play

Your Screening Manager

Cecille Tabernero
Family first
Hula dancer
Pit bull advocate