About Us

Got questions?

Email: bewell@stanford.edu
Phone: 650-721-2984
Fax: 650-721-3034
615 Serra Street
Burnham Pavilion
Stanford, CA, 94305
Mail code: 6150

Your BeWell Team 

Eric Stein,Department of Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation, Senior Associate Athletic Director
Wes Alles, Health Improvement Program, Senior Research Scholar
Jennifer Sexton, Department of Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation, Director of Fitness & Wellness Programs
Julie Anderson, Health Improvement Program, BeWell Program Manager
Sarah Meyer, Health Improvement Program, Manager of Operations, BeWell Coaching Program
Rosalyne Tu, Health Improvement Program, Manager of Operations, BeWell Biometrics Program
Karin Hughes, Department of Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation, BeWell Program Coordinator
Jamie Silacci, Department of Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation, BeWell Administrative Associate
Julie Croteau, Health Improvement Program, Director of Communications 
Lane McKenna, Health Improvement Program and BeWell Interim Director of Communications
Kathryn Lane Shumake, BeWell Marketing Specialist
Nancy Kurz, Health Improvement Program, Lead Technology Manager
Jayna Rogers, Health Improvement Program, Social Science Research Assistant
Deborah Balfanz, Health Improvement Program, Academic Research & Program Officer
Phyllis Stewart Pires, WorkLife Office, Director
Carole Pertofsky, iThrive@Stanford, Vaden Health Center, Director
Fahmida Ahmed, Sustainable Stanford, Manager
Rosan Gomperts, Faculty/Staff Help Center, Director
Fred Luskin, Stanford Forgiveness Project, Senior Consultant

Your BeWell Coaches

Julie Anderson, MPH
Ashley Gephart, MA
Marlon John, BS
Nathan McKenzie, MA, ACSM, cPT
Sarah Meyer, MA
Amanda Perez, BA
Rosalyne Tu, MS, RD
Christina Becker, MPH, RD
Natali Mendoza-Perez
David Perls
Nicole Cooper
Laura Becker-Lewke
Laurie Ausserer, MS
Debbie Balfanz, PhD
Soowon Kim, PhD
Jerrie Thurman, MA
Tia Rich, PhD
Jayna Rogers, MA

Your Screening Manager

Cecille Tabernero