Healthy Work Environment

Program details and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What’s new for Healthy Work Environment (HWE) in 2016?

  • You now have the option to earn your annual $100 incentive by participating in Healthy Work Environment’s quarterly (10-week minimum) goals or by completing six Berries — whichever comes first. Learn more about Berries. Note: Should you choose to join a HWE group and also do Berry activities, your maximum incentive is still $100.
  • Completing the SHALA is no longer a prerequisite for participating in a HWE group or earning the $100 incentive. (However, we nevertheless encourage you to take the SHALA, at any time before or after enrollment in your HWE, for the valuable health information it provides you, plus the potential avenue it provides to earning higher incentives by moving on to complete the Wellness Profile. Learn more about the Wellness Profile.)

Why the HWE program?

BeWell created the Healthy Work Environment (HWE) program to support the enhancement of worksite well-being. A HWE group, formed by a work group Ambassador, participates in wellness activities onsite, where sustaining healthy behaviors can be made easier in a supportive work environment and accountability to the group can enhance individual behavior change. By participating in group goals for one quarter (10-week engagement), HWE group members (including Ambassadors) can earn $100 per program year. Ambassadors will also receive material support as needed, periodic gifts, and recognition at the annual BeWell Recognition Event in December.

See the complete list of HWE Sample Group Goals.

How to participate in a HWE group

You can (1) become an Ambassador to form a new HWE work group; or (2) request to join an existing HWE group through your BeWell user portal.

1. Become an Ambassador
Become a Wellness Ambassador to earn money and improve your team’s health! Bring health and wellness to your team by starting a Healthy Work Environment (HWE) group — a 10-week program that fits your group’s needs and interests. You will set goals with your colleagues, encourage participation, and communicate with BeWell. Your responsibilities will include:

1. Recruit participants
2. Work with your team and BeWell to set goals
3. Track participation
4. Report to BeWell each month on how the program is going

Lead the way! Click here to complete an Ambassador application.

2. Join an existing HWE group by logging in, then clicking on “Find a Group Near You” under the Healthy Work Environment tab. Once you find a group near you, contact the Ambassador to find out the focus of their goals to see if it’s a match with what you want to work on. If there is a match, then request membership, which will send an email to the ambassador for that group. They will respond within a week.

FAQ: Healthy Work Environment

What is the Healthy Work Environment?
The Healthy Work Environment (HWE) program provides customized support and guidance to departments, labs, and work groups who value and promote a healthy workplace and wish to offer workshops and set health goals. We offer HWE Ambassadors ideas, resources, and connection to a variety of supportive Stanford health and wellness programs. HWE maintains close communication with each Ambassador to facilitate group participation, offer guidance to help groups stay on track, evaluate progress, adjust goals over time and administer guidelines for individual procurement of the $100 financial incentive.

How can I join a Healthy Work Environment?
Employees may join a pre-existing HWE group on their BeWell account, or become an  Ambassador and start their own group. To view active HWE groups, please login, then click on “Find a Group Near You” under the Healthy Work Environment tab.

What is the incentive for participating in a HWE group?
Employees who complete one quarter (10 weeks) of goals with their HWE group will earn a $100 taxable incentive, paid in two pay periods. The HWE incentive does NOT go to the department, but directly to the employee to use as they wish.

Can I earn an incentive for participating in a HWE group and an incentive for completing 6 Berries?
No. Employees in an HWE group, who are also doing Berry activities, are only eligible for one $100 incentive per program year. They will be awarded either the HWE incentive or the Berry incentive, whichever is completed first.

Do I need to complete SHALA before joining a HWE group?
No. SHALA is not a prerequisite to join a HWE group, or earn the HWE incentive. Employees may, however, complete SHALA any time before or after joining a HWE to unlock Wellness Profile incentives, Berry activities, and other BeWell discounts and promotions.

Who can help our work group become a Healthy Work Environment?
Work groups can identify an individual to apply to become an Ambassador. These individuals will work with the HWE program to address the goals of the work group.

What constitutes a work group?
A work group is comprised of individuals who work in the same department, or at the same work location.

What are the responsibilities and time commitment associated with being a work group Ambassador?
The Ambassador engages participation around worksite wellness, develops group goals (see HWE Sample Group Goals) and measures, promotes the initiative in staff meetings and gatherings, and serves as a role model. The Ambassador provides monthly updates to HWE on their work group's status. With assistance from HWE, the Ambassador is responsible for monitoring the progress of the group and identifying individuals eligible for the $100 incentive.

What support does HWE provide?
HWE will work with the Ambassador to develop work group goals (see HWE Sample Group Goals) and measures. We will provide resources, education, and ongoing support throughout the quarter to help facilitate group participation, offer guidance to help groups stay on track, evaluate progress, adjust goals over time and administer guidelines for individual procurement of the $100 financial incentive.