Inner Balance: Reduce Stress with HeartMath™

Do feelings of overwhelm and stress interfere with your enjoyment of life? Have you noticed your health, sleep, and energy affected by life or work stress? This research and evidence-based course gives you practical tools and technology to generate a simultaneous state of relaxation, readiness, and revitalization called coherence. Each participant receives a fun and innovative self-monitoring technology for iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch called Inner Balance. In addition, you will learn simple, effective tools to recognize and shift stress in the moment, while increasing your resilience, youthful energy, and well-being. Reported outcomes include improved sleep, productivity, mood, energy, mental clarity, relationships and overall health. 

To take this class you must have — and bring to class — either an iPhone 4, iPad, iPad 2 (or more recent version of these) or iPod touch (4th Generation or more recent). You will be sent a brief survey to indicate which kind of connector your device uses (lightning or 30-pin adaptor). 

Instructor: Bruce Cryer, HeartMath Senior Advisor and former CEO. Bruce has taught programs at Stanford since 1997, including 6 years for HIP and 12 years for the Stanford Executive Program of GSB. He is the author of From Chaos to Coherence and articles including Pull the Plug on Stress published in the Harvard Business Review.

*HIP offers over 50 health education classes each quarter. For a full listing of classes, please visit

Date and Time: 
Thursday, February 11, 2016 - 13:30
Li Ka Shing Center, Rm 101
Event Sponsor: 
Health Improvement Program
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 
650 721-6003


Register for this class, starting January 6, using the More Information link or go to:

Class fee: $250 (STAP/EA Funds: Yes)

Class code: heart-01

Last modified Fri, 5 Feb, 2016 at 7:54