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Spring Quarter

Spring Registration Now Open
Most Classes Begin Mar 28
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Online Courses

Online Courses: Creative Writing

The Online Creative Writing Program makes it easy to take courses taught by instructors from Stanford’s writing community. Thanks to the flexibility of the online format, these courses can be taken anywhere, anytime—a plus for students who lead busy lives or for whom regular travel to the Stanford campus is not possible. These courses are open to all adults, and we encourage all levels of writers to enroll.
Code Course Title Qtr Days Status Online

Online Creative Writing

CNF 02 W Creative Nonfiction II: Diving Deep and Surfacing SP ClosedJoin Wait List OnlineClass
CNF 08 W Travel Writing: Getting Paid to See the World SP ClosedJoin Wait List OnlineClass
CNF 08 WB Travel Writing: Getting Paid to See the World SP OpenAdd to cart OnlineClass
CNF 50 W An Introduction to Creative Nonfiction: Telling the Truth SP ClosedJoin Wait List OnlineClass
CNF 52 W Electric Essays: Writing Vibrant Nonfiction from Life Experiences SP ClosedJoin Wait List OnlineClass
CNF 53 W An Introduction to Creative Writing: The Untold Story SP OpenAdd to cart OnlineClass
EGL 19 WA The Creative Habit: Cultivating a Daily Writing Practice SP ClosedJoin Wait List OnlineClass
EGL 19 WB The Creative Habit: Cultivating a Daily Writing Practice SP OpenAdd to cart OnlineClass
EGL 53 W The Art of Plot SP ClosedJoin Wait List OnlineClass
EGL 59 W The Game of Publishing SP ClosedJoin Wait List OnlineClass
FICT 192 W Revision Demystified: Take Your Stories to Completion SP OpenAdd to cart OnlineClass
FICT 200 W Short Story Intensive: Taking Our Stories to the Next Level SP Special Notice OnlineClass
FICT 57 W Short Story Writing: Making Fiction Out of Experience SP ClosedJoin Wait List OnlineClass
FICT 58 W Leave Out the Boring Parts: Crafting Stories People Want to Read SP OpenAdd to cart OnlineClass
NVL 09 W Writing the Novel from Back to Front SP ClosedJoin Wait List OnlineClass
NVL 25 W Beginning Your Novel: The Importance of Shape SP ClosedJoin Wait List OnlineClass
OWC 304 A Novel II: Plot and Structure SP OpenAdd to cart OnlineClass
OWC 304 B Novel II: Plot and Structure SP OpenAdd to cart OnlineClass
OWC 304 C Novel II: Plot and Structure SP ClosedJoin Wait List OnlineClass
POET 24 W The Apprenticeship: Taking Inspiration from Ten Masterpiece Poems SP OpenAdd to cart OnlineClass

Online Certificate Program in Novel Writing

OWC 210 One-on-one Tutorial: Creative Nonfiction Book SP OpenAdd to cart OnlineClass
OWC 310 One-on-one Tutorial: Novel SP OpenAdd to cart OnlineClass