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Blue Ribbon Commission On Improving Custody Operations

Last modified: 4/11/2016 10:40 AM
On October 6, 2015, the County Board of Supervisors approved a Resolution establishing the Blue Ribbon Commission on Improving Custody Operations.  The purpose of the Blue Ribbon Commission is to assess custody operations and to recommend improvements.


Members of the Blue Ribbon Commission
Voting Members
Judge LaDoris Cordell (Ret.), Chairperson
Rose Amador-LeBeau, LaRaza Roundtable
Judge Susan Bernardini (Ret.)
Alison Brunner, Law Foundation of Silicon Valley
Rick Callender, CA/HI NAACP
Christine Clifford, PACT/DeBug
Pablo Gaxiola, Former Inmate
Dennis Grilli, Former Police Officer
Hope Holland, National Alliance on Mental Illness & Former Inmate
Amy Le, Santa Clara County Correctional Officer
Otto Lee, Former Mayor of Sunnyvale
Judge Stephen Manley
Wes Mukoyama, Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Board
Erin O’Neill, Office of the Independent Police Auditor for San Jose
Gail Price, Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Board
Dr. Divya Reddy, Union of American Physicians & Dentists
Anne Rosenzweig, Mental Health Advocate
Navah Statman, National Alliance on Mental Illness
Pastor Dale Weatherspoon, PACT
Ex-Officio Members
Cindy Chavez, Supervisor
Laura Garnette, Chief Probation Officer
John Hirokawa, Chief of Correction
Molly O’Neal, Public Defender
Jeffrey Rosen, District Attorney
Laurie Smith, Sheriff
Toni Tullys, Behavioral Health Director




Board of Supervisors Actions


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Documents provided to the public for review have been redacted in whole or in part, or may be redacted in whole or in part, on the following bases:  privacy (Cal. Const., art. I, sec. 1; Gov. Code, sec. 6254, subd. (c), sec. 6254, subd. (k); sec. 6255; City of San José v. Superior Court (San José Mercury News) (1999) 74 Cal.App.4th 1008; privacy/medical information (see foregoing citations, Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (Cal. Civ. Code, sec. 56, et seq.); Lanterman-Petris-Short (LPS) Act) (Welf. & Inst. Code, sec. 5328 et seq.), drug and alcohol abuse records (42 U.S.C. 290dd-2, 42 C.F.R. part 2); and HIPAA (45 C.F.R. secs., 160, 164).

Send public correspondence to the Blue Ribbon Commission
  [Note:  Any correspondence is a public record.]
Blue Ribbon Commission on Improving Custody Operations
County of Santa Clara
70 W. Hedding Street, 10th Floor
San Jose, CA 95110