ARCHIVED Bulletin: Expenditure Type & Object Code Updates (Updated January 24, 2013)

Expenditure Types and Object Codes are used to properly code purchases, expense reports, journal entries and receipts in Oracle Financials. This page provides a monthly summary of new expenditure types and object codes, and changes to existing expenditure types and object codes.

On this page:

New Expenditure Types
EXP Type Title Description Usage Rules
iBudget IJ Public IJ Special IJ Central IPO
47139 EXT OTH PROF SVCS-EXPEND For professional expenses on real estate investment assets. Nets with Investment income. No No Yes Yes Yes
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New Object Codes
EXP Type Title Description Usage Rules
iBudget IJ Public IJ Special IJ Central IPO
No New Object Code Created
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New Expenditure Categories
Exp Category Code Title
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Changes to Existing Expenditure Types and Object Codes
EXP Type/
Object Code
What Changed? From... To...
No Changes to Existing Expenditure Types and Object Codes
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Staying Informed

To receive email communications regarding monthly updates to Expenditure Types and Object Codes, subscribe to et_obj_updates@lists.

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Additional Resources

The following resources are available to help properly code transactions:

If existing Expenditure Types or Object Codes do not meet your department needs, see How To: Request New (or Change Existing) Expenditure Type or Object Code.

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Past Requests

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For additional help, please submit a HelpSU ticket.

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