It is our pleasure to invite you to join the inaugural Program In Lasting Leadership and Academic Representation (PILLAR). Established and supported by the Byers Eye Institute at Stanford University, along with the National Medical Association’s Rabb-Venable Excellence in Ophthalmology Program, this intensive, in-person mentorship program targets ophthalmology residents who are underrepresented in medicine (as a starting point, please see AAMC definition, linked here).

The PILLAR program will focus on various career pathways within academic ophthalmology, how to make the most of residency to successfully navigate into fellowship and academic careers, the joys and challenges of these career pathways, and other topics such as negotiating for a job, academic promotion, work-life integration, etc. After discussion with ophthalmology faculty around the country, the first annual PILLAR retreat will take place at Stanford University on Saturday, September 24 through Sunday, September 25, 2022.

Initial preference will be given to residents in the fall following their internship year (PGY2), with other PGYs invited on a space-available basis; at this early stage we encourage any PGY resident to apply. The program will cover travel costs (air, one night’s hotel, and food) from Saturday, Sept 24 starting at 1pm to Sunday, Sept 25 at 1pm, allowing for travel to and from your home institution with minimum disruption.

To apply to the PILLAR Program, please apply at the form below no later than Monday, August 15. Applications will reviewed on a rolling basis, so please submit early -- space is limited!