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Steven Lightburn

Steven Lightburn received a Bachelor’s degree in Music from the University California, Los Angeles; advanced study at Durham University, England; and a Master’s degree from the University of Southern California. A pianist of many talents, he is highly regarded as a solo artist, collaborative pianist, teacher, competitive judge, and music director. He has been on the staff of the San Francisco Conservatory of Music and Sacred Heart Preparatory School. He maintains an active teaching studio and is an accompanying pianist at Stanford.

Timothy Zerlang

Studied with Philip Lorenz, Naomi Sparrow (masterclasses with Rafael da Silva, Jorge Demus, Murray Perahia). Harpsichord and fortepiano studies with Margaret Fabrizio; organ studies with Fred Dempster, Robert Gerster, Herbert Nanney (masterclasses with Harald Vogel); carillon studies with James Angell. Director of Music, St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, San Francisco.

Frederick Weldy

Studied with Charles Fisher, Marion Owen, Martin Katz, and Eugene Bossart.

Performances throughout U.S., Canada, and Europe; debut at Carnegie Recital Hall, New York; soloist with the Rochester Philharmonic, Utah Symphony, symphonies in Warsaw, Costa Rica.

Prizewinner in Gina Bachauer International Piano Competition; winner, East and West Artists International Auditions and Music at La Gesse Foundation Fellowship

Recipient of National Endowment for the Arts Solo Recitalist Fellowship.

Elaine Thornburgh

Studied with Malcolm Bilson, Gustav Leonhardt, Alan Curtis. Recordings on Koch International Classics, Lyrichord Early Music Series (Scarlatti CD set). California Arts Council Touring Artist; NEA Solo Recitalist Grant; semi-finalist, Sixth International Harpsichord Competition, Bruges, Belgium. Founder of Humanities West. Soloist, lecturer/recitalist, and ensemblist throughout the U.S.

Thomas Schultz

Studied with John Perry (at Oberlin and the University of Texas), Leonard Stein, and PHilip Lillestol.

Solo recitals in Berlin, Vienna, Kyoto, Seoul, New York (a series of six recitals at Weill Hall at Carnegie Hall, recitals at Bargemusic and the Goethe Institute), San Francisco, Berkeley, Korea’s Tongyoung Festival, the Festival of New American Music in Sacramento, and the Taegu International Contemporary Music Festival and the April in Santa Cruz Festival.

Robert Huw Morgan

Fellow, Royal College of Organists. Studied with Carole Terry, Peter Eros, Melvin Butler, Nicolas Kynaston, Nigel Allcoat. Special interests: 19th- and 20th-century repertoire, especially French. Assistant Conductor, U. Washington Symphony Orchestra/Opera; Conductor, U. Washington Summer Chamber Orchestra. Recitals in U.S., Germany, Wales, Australia, Norway, Sweden, England.

Murray Low

Held previous teaching positions at University of California Berkeley and the Jazzschool in Berkeley. Guest lecturer at Stanford, San José State, Cal State Monterey Bay, University of Wisconsin/Madison, Cal State Sonoma, Jazzcamp West, and the Monterey Jazz Youth Program. Twenty-six years of perfomance, teaching, composing and arranging experience. Grammy nomination in Latin Jazz category with Macheté Ensemble 2003. Multiple appearances at major jazz festivals such Monterey, Concord, Stanford, San Francisco, San José, Big Sur, Mt.

Jaroslaw Kapuscinski

Composer, performer, and media artist.

Studied with Wlodzimierz Kotonski, Jan Ekier, Bronislawa Kawalla, Rand Steiger, Miller Puckette, Roger Reynolds, Brian Ferneyhough, and Joji Yuasa; additional courses with Iannis Xenakis, Louis Andriessen, Tristan Murail, François-Bernard Mâche, and George Lewis.

Selected prizes: UNESCO Film sur l’Art Festival in Paris (1992), VideoArt Festival in Locarno (1993), Manifestation Internationale Vidéo et Art Électronique in Montréal (1994), and International Festival of New Cinema and New Media in Montréal (2000).

Thomas Grey

Special fields: Wagner, 19th-century opera, history of musical aesthetics and criticism, Romantic music and visual culture.

Laura Dahl

Specialist in chamber music and vocal coaching.

Performances throughout U.S. (including Carnegie Hall), Germany,and England.

Founding member of the Harmida Piano Trio.

Artistic Director: Jess Shenson Recital Series at Stanford and the Music by the Mountain summer festival in northern California.


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