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Lockers of varying sizes are available for academic-year (Autumn-Spring) rental by those with Stanford ID's, at the end of which they must be cleared out. Lockers may be available by special arrangement in summer for students who are actively enrolled during that period. 

Terms and Fees

  • Lockers fees are $10 for small instruments and $20 for large instruments. You will be assigned an appropriate size locker for your instrument after you have signed up.
  • Fees are billed to student accounts in the quarter you sign up. Those without student accounts must pay by cash or check at Braun Music Center Rm. 101 before you are given a locker and combination.
  • Larger instrument lockers are in shorter supply, requiring music majors and ensemble members to have priority. 
  • Storage for personal drum kits is not available in the Music Department.
  • Personal locks may not be used (and will be cut off).  
  • Lockers are for storage of musical instruments and associated items only. Storage of non-music items is prohibited. Violation of this policy will result in the loss of locker and forfeiture of fees. Items are stored at your own risk; the department is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Contents of uncleared lockers, instruments excepted, will be disposed of.

Sign up for a locker at any time here