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Friends of Music at Stanford

For over 79 years, the Friends of Music has served as a support organization for the Department of Music at Stanford, working to enhance musical activities on campus and in the community. Your membership support and generous contributions enable the Friends of Music to:

  • Provide lesson scholarship assistance to over 150 music students across the university.
  • Support domestic and international performance tours.
  • Provide financial support to students with financial need.
  • Bring free music events to local community children.
  • Enable visiting artists to provide master classes and student outreach.
  • Aid the Department of Music to improve its facilities for music instruction and performance.

Beyond these tangible goals, Friends of Music is also a social group, where people with a common love of music come together. 

JOin Friends of Music or renew your membership

Board of Directors

Contact US

Applied Music Scholarship Program

Last modified on: 
Tuesday, December 6, 2016