Orientation Volunteers

New Student Orientation Volunteers

Did you love your New Student Orientation experience?  Then join the NSO team in welcoming the Class of 2021 and transfers in their first days as new Stanford students!  We need your help as Orientation Volunteers (OVs) to make NSO 2017 as vibrant, energetic, and memorable as it was during your first days as new students on The Farm.  Not only will you get to welcome our frosh and transfers on Opening Day, but as an OV you get to take part in the traditions and major events which make NSO special.  As an added bonus, OVs get to move in early!   

All students who register to volunteer will, by default, serve as an OV.  You may also consider serving as a Head OV (HOV), Community OV (COV), or SPOT OV*; indicate your interest in these roles in part 2 of the registration form. Detailed descriptions of each position are below.

Volunteer Registration for NSO 2017 has closed.  We hope you can help next year!

*SPOT OV selection and training are managed by SPOT staff in Stanford Outdoor Education.  For more information, please see SPOT OV details below, visit http://spot.stanford.edu, or contact spot@stanford.edu

Requirements for NSO Volunteers (OVs, HOVs, and COVs): 

  • Volunteers cannot simultaneously participate in any programs, trainings, or jobs that occur in mid-September (Residence Staff, Sophomore College, Junior Leadership Program, Arts Intensive, Bing Honors College, SPOT Leaders, etc.).
  • In order to receive early arrival housing and dining benefits, volunteers must commit to their roles for the full duration of NSO training, prep activities, and NSO itself.  Specific dates are outlined for each position below.
  • All volunteers must attend a short spring training session either Tuesday, May 23, 5 - 5:45pm *OR* Thursday, May 25, 12 - 12:45pm, both in Sweet 020.
  • All volunteers must be undergraduate students in good academic standing and enrolled for the 2017-18 academic year. 

Position Descriptions

Orientation Volunteers (OVs)

OVs play a critical role in welcoming new students by assisting with a wide range of NSO projects and events. OV responsibilities include cheering for students as they arrive on campus, moving new students into their residences, setting up tables and chairs for NSO events, ushering in Memorial Auditorium, assisting with language exams and academic sessions, supporting bike registration, and much more. OVs work in teams of 6 - 10 under the supervision of a Head OV. The commitment for OVs begins on Saturday morning, September 16, and runs through the end of NSO, Sunday, September 24. OV candidates must be prepared to engage a wide array of responsibilities (both front-line and behind-the-scenes roles) with great enthusiasm and a positive work ethic.

Head Orientation Volunteers (HOVs)

HOVs work together as a team to prepare for the OVs’ arrival and to finalize preparations before NSO. Once the OVs arrive, HOVs lead a team of 6 - 10 volunteers to assist with NSO event implementation. HOV candidates must have strong leadership and interpersonal skills and a willingness to work hard and have fun. The commitment for HOVs begins on Tuesday, September 12, and runs through the end of NSO, Sunday, September 24.  In addition, if you wish to serve as an HOV, please ask a trusted staff member, professor, advisor, or supervisor (current or former) to complete a brief HOV Recommendation Form for you by May 10.  HOV interviews will be conducted the week of May 8.

Community Orientation Volunteers (COVs)

COVs assist and work closely with the Community Coordinators (CCs) assigned to each of the ten NSO community programs/centers.  Positive teamwork and enthusiasm for these communities are crucial if you wish to serve as a COV. COVs may also assist with general NSO events as needed.  The commitment for COVs begins on Saturday morning, September 16, and runs through the end of NSO, Sunday, September 24.  NSO Communities include the Asian American New Student Orientation Committee (AANSOC), Black Recruitment & Orientation Committee (BROC), Chicano Latino Orientation Committee (CLOC), International Student Orientation Committee (ISOC), LGBT Community Resources Center (LGBT-CRC), Native American Orientation Committee (NAOC), First Generation Orientation Committee (FGOC), Religious Life Orientation Committee (RLOC), Transfer Student Program, and Women's Community Center (WCC).

SPOT Orientation Volunteers (SPOT OVs)

SPOT OVs assist with trip logistics for the SPOT (Stanford Pre-Orientation Trips) program. SPOT OVs work closely with program staff before the trips depart, camp for 5 days in a SPOT basecamp helping with various tasks, and assist when the trips return. Please note that SPOT OVs are not SPOT Trip Leaders. SPOT OVs return to campus on Saturday, September 9 and their commitment ends Tuesday, September 19. SPOT OV candidates should be excited about assisting with the SPOT program, and be ready to participate in a range of projects. SPOT OV selection, training, and supervision is managed by the SPOT program through Stanford Outdoor Education. Please visit http://spot.stanford.edu or contact SPOT at spot@stanford.edu for more information. 

Early Arrival to Campus

Undergraduate Advising and Research will provide early arrival housing for OVs, HOVs, and COVs in their fall residences (September 15 - 21) as well as meals (September 15 - 21) for the period before regular housing and dining contracts begin on September 22. HOVs will be temporarily housed in Conference Housing with meals provided from September 12 - 14 before their fall residences open for early move-in. The Athletics Department will provide housing and meals for SPOT OVs.

OVs, HOVs, and COVs must have on-campus housing for Autumn Quarter 2017 in order to be granted early arrival into their housing assignment.  If students do not have on-campus housing for autumn quarter, but would still like to participate as orientation volunteers, they must make their own arrangements to be housed locally.

Other opportunities to participate in NSO