
The Stanford community is fortunate to have access to a vast array of health and wellness resources.

Stanford Health Alerts – COVID-19 updates

Center for Integrative Medicine – complementing modern medicine

Stanford Coordinated Care – managing chronic conditions

Stanford Blood Center – schedule a blood donation

Webinars – free health and wellness webinars

Fitness & Nutrition

Stanford Recreation & Wellness – fitness and physical activity

Recipe Wall – healthy recipes

Ask the Dietitian – expert answers on nutrition questions

Residential & Dining Enterprises – healthy food choices and locations

Walking Guide – a step-by-step guide to 10,000 steps per day

Continuing Studies – lifelong learning

Professional Development – advancing skills

Family First – family activities on campus

Cantor Art Center – galleries, gardens and more

Stanford Live – live art performances

Stanford Wellness Fireside Chats – inspiring conversations

Research & Development

Stanford Prevention Research Center – health research from the School of Medicine

Spectrum – Stanford clinical trial opportunities

Stanford Health Library – answers to your medical questions

Work & Life 

Cardinal at Work – resource for all Stanford benefits

WorkLife Office – parenting resources and elder care

Faculty Staff Help Center – counseling services and workshops

Diversity and Access Office – compliance around diversity and disability

Ombuds Office – conflict resolution services

Spirituality & Faith 

Office for Religious Life – providing faith-based services and programs

Contemplation by Designmind-body-spirit connection

Environment & Transportation

Sustainable Stanford – building sustainability practices into daily life

Environmental Health and Safety – principal health and safety office

Parking and Transportation – transportation in and around Stanford