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Informal Review Process

Most workplace concerns can be resolved informally, and you are encouraged to address your concerns as soon as possible. Many issues can be resolved simply by gaining a better understanding of policy and procedures at Stanford. Normally, the place to start is with your supervisor who will refer you to an appropriate resource if he/she is not able to answer your question or resolve your concern.

If you are not comfortable raising your question/concern with your supervisor, each school/department has Human Resources staff with whom you can talk. Of course, resources outside the department are also available to you if you so desire. Please let the person you are contacting know that you are attempting to resolve the matter informally. If your workplace concern persists, you may choose to raise the matter formally.

Also, please know that even if you have informally raised the matter to a resource other than a confidential resource, the nature of the concern raised may necessitate a more formal review.

Learn more about the formal review process