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Stanford Staff Survey

Thank you for your participation

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2018 Staff Engagement Survey—more than 8,750 of you shared your voice and provided feedback on your experience working at Stanford. A broad overview of the university-wide results, including what the university is doing well and how we can improve, was shared in the Stanford Report on January 24, 2019. Schools and units will begin sharing their local results in the coming weeks.

View infographic summary of the university-wide results

Who has access to the results?

To ensure confidentiality, the survey is administered by an independent culture and strategy organization. No one at Stanford has or will have access to your individual results. Results are reported to managers only for groups of five (5) or more employees, not on an individual basis. Read FAQ to see how we're protecting your response. The survey results are used to make data-driven decisions that improve the staff working experience: 

  • Use results to support university directives and initiatives
  • Determine what actions should be reinforced and maintained because they are working well
  • Identify what actions can improve areas of opportunity
  • Leverage best-practice resources to help support action plans

Why measure employee engagement?

Engagement is our pride, energy, and optimism that fuels discretionary effort. Managing engagement helps build a better Stanford when we know what is expected of us and what we're working to accomplish (alignment) and effectively anticipate and respond to change (agility). The objective of the engagement survey is to capture the employee experience: 

  • Maintain a consistent, reliable and confidential method for empowering staff to provide feedback
  • Highlight the workplace environment of our staff community over time and compared to other leading organizations