Stanford University

Air Quality Permitting and Compliance

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Last updated: September 26, 2017
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How to Use

Stanford research and operations produce a wide range of air emissions and are subject to local, state, and federal air quality programs. The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) is the local regulatory authority for air quality compliance. We receive BAAQMD permits for air emissions on campus and transmit them to the correct departments. We also accompany BAAQMD inspectors on campus and submit annual permit renewal data to BAAQMD.

Emergency standby generators

The BAAQMD issues permits for generators larger than 50 horsepower (hp). To get permission for a generator, use this form to submit the engine specifications and emissions information to us. We will then submit the permit application. The BAAQMD permit process can be slow (often six months or more), so apply early to avoid project delays.

Before purchasing an emergency standby generator, contact us to make sure the model meets emission requirements for particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxide (NOx), and carbon monoxide (CO). If a generator does not meet emissions criteria, BAAQMD will not issue a permit and the generator cannot be installed nor operated. BAAQMD requires a health risk screening under the Air Toxics New Source Review Program. Nearly all emergency standby generators need additional (and costly) emission controls (e.g., “active” filters).

Generators smaller than 50 hp may not need a BAAQMD permit, but still speak with us prior to installing it.

Emergency standby generator recordkeeping

Maintain standby generators monthly. The department should keep a log that indicates:

  • Date
  • Operation hours for reliability-related activities (maintenance and testing)
  • Operation hours for emission testing
  • Operation hours for emergency
  • The nature of the emergency condition, for each emergency
  • Fuel receipts

Note: The owning department must comply with the BAAQMD Permit to Operate terms and conditions.

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