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The Department of Medicine is committed to setting the highest standards for patient care, ground-breaking biomedical research, professional education, teaching, and training.

We are devoted to advancing the science of medicine by developing new methods to prevent, diagnose, and treat all aspects of human disease and strive to provide compassionate and pioneering health care to all of our patients.


Patient Care


By the Numbers (as of Jan 2020)

  • 15 Divisions
  • 32 Endowed Professors
  • 495 Trainees (137 Residents, 154 MD Fellows, 204 Post-docs)
  • 375 Active Grants—End of FY19 (4 Program Projects, 74 R-01s, 30 Ks, 22 Us, 10 Training, 41 Federal Awards, 194 Non-Federal)
  • 625 Faculty (109 University Tenure and Nontenure Line, 117 Medical Center Line, 359 Clinician Educators, 40 Instructors)
  • 813 Staff and Research Associates (570 Staff, 97 Research Associates, 146 Contingent Staff)
  • $135M Sponsored Research—FY19 ($79 million in federal grants, $33 million in non-federal grants, $23 million in clinical grants)


Chair's Welcome

Here is where you will learn about the Department and its activities.

I want to welcome you to the Stanford Department of Medicine’s website. Here is where you will learn about the Department and its activities, its faculty and staff, its goals and plans for the future. First let me give you a quick overview of the Department.

The Department of Medicine moved to the Stanford University campus from San Francisco in 1959. Once here it began to put together what is now a long history of outstanding science, outstanding commitment to education, and outstanding clinical care.


Today, the Department has more than 625 faculty and is growing. We are differently arranged from many departments of medicine. Like others, we are separated into divisions, each with a chief. We have 15 divisions, 12 of them traditional clinical divisions: Blood and Marrow Transplantation; Cardiovascular Medicine; Endocrinology, Gerontology, and Metabolism; Gastroenterology and Hepatology; Hematology; Hospital Medicine; Immunology and Rheumatology; Infectious Diseases; Nephrology; Oncology; Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine.

The Department differs from traditional departments in that it also has a long history in computational science, quantitative science, health services research, informatics, and epidemiology. These topics are the focus of the other 3 divisions in the Department: Primary Care and Outcomes Research, with a heavy emphasis on health economics, decision analysis, and clinical decision modeling; the Stanford Prevention and Research Center, devoted to understanding the issues of wellness and disease prevention as well as interventions that might allow one to make an impact on health and disease; and Stanford Biomedical Informatics Research with a long history of technological development and the creation of new methods of bio-informatics.

As an academic medical center, we have a tripartite mission (research, education, patient care) and we believe in it, but we are importantly, first, a clinical department focused on human health. So everyone across the spectrum from bench scientists doing basic research, to educators training the next generation of physicians, to clinicians caring for patients in the hospital and the clinics strives to ask questions, to make inquiry at all levels that might translate into taking better care not only of individual patients but also of whole populations of patients.

With that overview, go explore the website and the Department.


Our History

Founded in 1909, the Department of Medicine has been a leader in education, leadership, discovery, and excellence. Take a peek at the Department's achievements over the past 100 years.

Fast Facts

  • Stanford Medicine ranked fourth among all medical schools in the nation, according to the 2021 U.S. News & World Report.
  • The School’s Internal Medicine program is ranked 8th
  • Clinical faculty has over 170,000 patient visits per year. 
  • Department of Medicine researchers have been consistently recognized for their impact and contributions. Among the faculty are:
  • 4 members of the National Academy of Sciences; 3 members of the Institute of Medicine; 4 members of the National Academy of Medicine; 29 members of the Association of American Physicians; and 45 members of the American Society of Clinical Investigation.
  • The Department also has 3 recipients of the NIH Innovator, Pioneer, and Young Innovator Awards. 
  • The Department has 16 fellowships for nearly 150 fellows who are training in Internal Medicine and its subspecialties.