2017 Employees of the Month


Jeanette Conley
Stanford ValleyCare

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As rewarding as working in a lab can be, it can also be difficult – complicated by a number of factors related to technology, schedules, supplies and paperwork. But the Bollyky Lab counts itself lucky: it has Heather Ishak to keep things running smoothly.


Mihaela Bozdog
Faculty Affairs Group

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Mihaela Bozdog is known by her colleagues as “Miha,” but that’s not the only way they recognize her. They also say she is responsive, dedicated, kind and helpful. Extremely helpful. 


Jasmin Steiner
Primary Care and Population Health

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Jasmin Steiner, research administrative associate for the Primary Care and Population Health division, is less than two years into her role at Stanford, and already, as Tom Haywood, PhD, puts it, she’s “integral.”  She came to Stanford with a Bachelor’s and Master’s in American Studies but says she “quickly fell in love with research compliance.” 


Donna Medved
Gastroenterology and Hepatology

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Donna Medved, Research Administrator in the Gastroenterology and Hepatology Division, is an asset to her division. If you ask Division Manager Susan Lydick, the only problem is that there aren’t more of her. “Donna has the sort of work ethic that makes her someone I wish I could clone,” Lydick says.



Ines Campero
Stanford Prevention Research Center

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Ines Campero works in the Healthy Aging Research and Technology Solutions (HARTS) Lab within the Stanford Prevention Research Center, which Ines says, “conducts clinical trials to test the effectiveness of innovative programs that promote healthy behaviors and environments among diverse midlife and older adults.” Ines is the lab’s social science research professional, which she says, quite modestly, means, “I lead, help and guide the team. I make sure our studies run smoothly, on schedule and meet objectives.”


Hanbang Zhang
Upi Singh Lab

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Hanbang Zhang is a basic life science research scientist. Day-to-day, that means he maintains cell culture (working in the hood for 1-2 hours), keeps track of lab ordering and collaborates with others on the same research project.


Beth Duff-Brown
Center for Healthcare and Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research (CHP/PCOR)

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Beth Duff-Brown has had her share of exciting work. Before coming to Stanford, she was a Pulitzer-nominated journalist, working for the Associated Press as a foreign correspondent in Africa and Asia. But in her current position as communications manager for Stanford Health Policy she puts those extraordinary skills to use.


Julie J. Anderson

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Julie J. Anderson, Senior Health Promotion Manager for HIP and BeWell, has been at Stanford (and with HIP) since 1991. Her colleague Sarah Meyer Tapia, MA, calls her “a genuine gift to Stanford Medicine.”


Arnold Shir
Stanford Health Policy

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Arnold Shir, a research assistant at Stanford Health Policy, says that his work keeps him on his toes… and that he enjoys every second of it.

Sometimes, of course, that’s just what people say, but Arnold’s enjoyment of his work is clear to colleagues like Marcella Alsan, who calls him “a ray of sunshine.” Nicole Feldman says, “I have never met a more positive person than Arnold Shir.” Along with colleagues Michelle Zhao and Elena Lucchese, she specifically remarks on Arnold’s “sunny disposition.”


Erin Avery
Nutrition Research Group and WELL

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Erin Avery used to be a field biologist who worked primarily in botany. And she loved it. However, she spent long days working alone. When the mortgage crisis in 2007 caused many of her projects to lose funding, she used the opportunity to make a change and go back to school to explore her lifelong fascination with nutrition. She says, “I was always interested in how nutrition could best support endurance sports, as well as health and longevity, but now I also saw nutrition as a potential pathway to a job that I could be excited about, engaged in, and that would allow me to work with other people in a collaborative way and to have a positive impact on people.”


Michelle Lee
Medicine Residency and Educational Programs

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Michelle Lee, recruitment and alumni relations administrator for the Medicine Residency and Educational Programs, is seen as something of a superwoman in her division. “She exemplifies dedication to her job while having a great attitude and treating others with great hospitality!” Katherine Ozeki, MD, said. Lee, who came to Stanford in March 2015 after working in academic advising and student affairs for the UC system, has become, as Audrey Holmes puts it, “a gem in our fast-paced office.”


Chika Egemba
Center for Healthcare and Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research (CHP/PCOR)

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Chika Egemba is, according to her colleagues, a “wizard” with “legendary” web skills. As an administrative associate for CHP/PCOR (the Center for Health Policy and the Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research), she wears many hats.