2016 Employees of the Month


Heather Ishak
Infectious Diseases

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As rewarding as working in a lab can be, it can also be difficult – complicated by a number of factors related to technology, schedules, supplies and paperwork. But the Bollyky Lab counts itself lucky: it has Heather Ishak to keep things running smoothly.


Misty Mazzara
General Medical Disciplines

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It is often said that dedicated employees “wear many hats,” but in Misty Mazzarra’s case, it’s more than just a metaphor…


Matthew Franzen
Information Technology

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Serious question: When do you think about your IT colleagues? Answer: When something goes wrong. Don’t worry. It’s totally normal. We all do it. As Matthew Franzen, computing support analyst, says, “If we do a good job no one thinks about us."...


Shauna Cruz
Human Resources 

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“I am completely humbled by the [Employee of the Month] award,” says Shauna Cruz. “It feels awesome to know that I have colleagues who are kind enough to outwardly appreciate the work I do. Winning was the cherry on top!” It’s an apt metaphor for someone who is also a professional baker... 


Sheryl Davies

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“It was somewhat fortunate I wasn’t wearing cycling or running clothes to the [Employee of the Month] breakfast,” says Sheryl Davies...


Vishal Sharma
General Medical Disciplines

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Vishal Sharma wanted to explore a career path in research before committing to a PhD program, so he reached out to professors around the world looking for a mentor...


Denishia Clark
Innovation in Global Health

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Denishia Clark says that throughout her education and career, she's done a dance between health, science and education, but at Stanford, "I don’t have to choose. I can embrace all three interests." This is an incredible understatement...


La Toya King
Pulmonary and Critical Care

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La Toya King says part of her job as Student Educational Programs Administrator is keeping other people happy. And although it’s tricky, considering one of the tasks is creating the resident ICU schedule, La Toya says she gives it her best shot: “I take pride in my work and hate to let people down.”


Mark Orcholski

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When Mark Orcholski joined the Department of Medicine in August 2011, he says it ended a period of “wandering” without a solid plan in terms of his career and education...


Lisa McPherson

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The story about Lisa McPherson that’s shared again and again is how she helped a new member of her lab cope with a sudden illness...


Loto Reed
Primary Care Division 

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Loto Reed does everything for the Primary Care Division,” says Sang-ick Chang, MD, MPH. And he may be right. As administrative associate and physician onboarding coordinator, Loto’s typical day includes work on the following...


Gernot Kaber
Infectious Diseases

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Gernot Kaber says, “Whatever machine, animal model or resource is needed for a project, it can be found somewhere [at Stanford]!” As a basic life research scientist in the Division of Infectious Diseases, Gernot would know.