Warm and Cool

Keep Warm & Stay Cool

How to Keep Cool & Green

With its year-round temperate weather and low humidity, the Bay Area enjoys one of the country’s most ideal climates. Because of our moderate temperatures, only a very small percentage of Bay Area households have air conditioning.

Because air conditioning would drain regional energy sources, conflict with Stanford’s commitment to sustainability, and raise costs for students, Stanford doesn’t offer air conditioning throughout the residences.

During warm weather, we encourage you to follow the suggestions below to keep cool.

Cool Your Room Or Apartment

  • Keep your drapes, blinds and windows closed when they are exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Open your drapes, blinds and windows in the evening to bring in cooler air. (If you have sliding windows and want to use wooden dowels for security, contact your Housing Area Manager/Housing Operations Manager.)
  • Use personal desktop and floor fans in your private bedroom space (not in a shared apartment or building common area space) to keep the air flowing. Whenever possible, direct air flow up towards the ceiling or at floor level. Avoid directing air flow at chest level. 
  • Use your stove or oven as little as possible. 
  • Turn off the lights and, if you’re not using them, electronic devices.
  • If you have double-hung windows, you can increase air circulation by opening the window at both top and bottom. Cool air will flow in through the bottom of the window, hot air out the top.

How to Stay Warm & Green

Depending on weather conditions, R&DE Student Housing turns the heating system on for residences in late October and off in April or May. To conserve energy and to keep the buildings from overheating, the heating systems are shut off during the heating months when the outside air temperature exceeds ~65°F. During the coldest months of winter, the heat system runs until temperatures reach ~70°F outdoors.

If you have children and need heat before the heating systems are turned on, please contact your R&DE Student Housing Service Center.

Warm Your Room Or Apartment

  • Keep your drapes, blinds, and shades open when windows are exposed to direct sunlight. (If you have sliding windows and want to use wooden dowels for security, contact your Housing Area Manager/Housing Operations Supervisor.
  • Close drapes, blinds, and shades at night or when the sky is overcast.
  • Keep your thermostat or heating unit at the lowest comfortable temperature—preferably 68°F while you are in the room, 60°F-63°F at night, and off while you are away during the day or during winter break.
  • Use a room humidifier or shallow pan of water near radiator tops or warm air vents. Humidity holds heat.
  • Leave the oven door open after cooking to let heat escape.