Safe Routes to BART

Safe Routes to BART (SR2B) is a grant program sponsored by BART using voter-approved Measure RR capital funds. SR2B is designed to help local agencies improve access for BART customers traveling to BART stations by walking and biking. Grants to local jurisdictions using Measure RR capital funds will help partner agencies deliver capital projects for the streets, sidewalks, trails and plazas that serve our customers on their way to BART.

Measure RR logo

The Measure RR General Obligation (GO) Bond includes $135M (4% of the $3.5 B bond) to deliver capital projects to expand opportunities to safely access BART stations. $77M of this amount has been tentatively allocated for the development and construction of Active Access (walking and bicycling) projects.

BART has set aside $25M of the $77M for the SR2B grant program. Up to $5M in Measure RR funds were made for SR2B grant Cycle 1 with maximum $1.5M per funding agreement. The most competitive projects for this grant are those that support the goals of BART's Station Access Policy, expand station access choices and make it safer and easier for all riders to use the system. SR2B provides grant funding for construction only (which may include construction management).

The BART Board was apprised on September 10, 2020 of four projects selected for SR2B Cycle 1 funding by the review panel. The call for projects for SR2B Cycle 2 is anticipated between Fall 2022 and Winter 2023. 

For more information, contact the Safe Routes to BART team at [email protected].

Safe Routes bicycling photo