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« Thad McCotter: We fit our mind to the world, not the world to our mind. | Main | Tea Partiers to GOP: "Just saying 'I am not the other guy' isn’t good enough" »

February 22, 2010


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It takes quite a bit to get the majority of the people to really think about what is truly happening. 9/11 concentrated their thoughts, and GW was able to use forcefull means to combat our enemies. However, he had to use language that was not too offensive to the educated class. As far as the role of governmnent interference in our lives, the majority was not giving it much thought, and GW's intuition told him he must not make an issue of trying to severely limit it if he wished to retain a compromise with the liberals. Obama got the majority thinking. It looks like the majority is now awake.

Our current Oval Office occupant is utterly deaf to the voice of We the People and an arrogant nincompoop to boot. There is no redeeming quality to the man, other than the fact that he is transparently anti-American and utterly unelectable to a second term.

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