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« Stolen moments | Main | A Martha Coakley moment for Nancy Pelosi and friends? »

March 01, 2010


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The corruption of the freedom haters has no limits. Any lie that furthers their agenda will be told.

She is reputed to have whored herself out to her first husband (who is gay) for money - why not Soros?

On a happier note - Buddy and Rusty (formerly Goldie - too feminine) are now home with me. Buddy has settled in beautifully but Rusty is taking a little longer. I'm very patient and Buddy is a real lover!

Fascinating looks at Ms. Huffington.

Didn't she run for the Governors Position in CA?

Revealing even further a true lack of ability and substance in debates.

Forgive the claws, but is that the face of a NATURAL 61 year old woman???

Good point retriever! I'm 67 and I can only dream of looking that good - without surgery!

Huh - randomly got pointed to this post while Googling "coffee party george soros," saw my comment from Red State highlighted. Fun!

Professor Jacobson of Legal Insurrection looks behind the curtain:

"It is very clear from [founder Annabel] Park's background, and her own Tweets, that the Coffee Party simply is part of the perpetual Obama campaign, a means by which to subvert the real grassroots Tea Party movement by co-opting part of the message, but in a way which supports keeping Obama in power."

I believe she prefers the term "escort."

Thank You for posting this! I really like your blog!!

Common Cents

ps. Link Exchange??

I vote for calling her "Ariana Huff 'n' Puffington" from now on. What say ye?

great. I hope Mr. Soros is getting some.
Maybe he would feel better if he enjoyed life a little.
Like Anna Nicole Smith you can't live forever and you can't take any of it with you.

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