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Major Palestinian Demonstration Against Palestinian Honor Killings
Never Heard About It?

March 18, 2010  •  Pajamas Media

While Vice President Joe Biden played the part of a dishonored diplomat in Jerusalem, his wife, Jill Biden, was visiting the Bedouin Women's Empowerment Project in the Negev.

I hope she understood just how "empowered" these women really are. Sixty of these Israeli Arab Bedouin women recently came in busloads from the Negev to Nazareth to join a total of 500 Israeli Arabs in a protest against honor killings in their communities. They constituted the largest continent of women, "thanks to the work of Hind el Sana, a lobbyist in Shatil's Bedouin Women's Leadership Project. The Project, which is funded by the American State Department in conjunction with The New Israel Fund, is run in collaboration with Ma'an, the Forum of Arab Women's Organizations in the Negev, where el Sana is based.

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The Jihadi Feels Persecuted - His Aggression is Self-Defense

March 14, 2010  •  Pajamas Media

The other day, a pediatric nurse in New York City refused to dance with Mbarek Lafrem, a Moroccan man, in a New York City bar. What did Lafrem do? He followed her into the women's bathroom where he attempted to rape and savagely beat her. The woman was found unconscious and is now hospitalized. She required 50 stitches to close just one of her lacerations; she also suffered a broken eye socket, a broken nose, skull fractures, and a busted jaw.

The media pointedly refrain from telling us that he is a Muslim, but with a name like "Mbarek" or 'Mubarak," what religion are we talking about? Lafrem now claims that she started it, that the nurse "berated him when he barged into the women's restroom shortly after she'd rebuffed him on the dance floor."

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Norway, Italy, Iran: The Islamist Takeover, The Push Back

March 12, 2010  •  Pajamas Media

Hege Storhaug, of Norway's Human Rights Service (HRS), has sent me this amazing photo and asked me to pass it on. I am hereby doing so. However, the photo is probably not a real one but rather, represents the frustrated longing of many people who are eager to stand up to the Iranian President. The American President has not done so. A woman, pictured as a young, lone woman now symbolizes our planet's hope for freedom from tyranny.

What else is there to say? Well, at least two things.

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Waltzing at the Waldorf: Israeli Solders Face Another Kind of War

March 9, 2010  •  Pajamas Media

As I write this, the forces of darkness are gathering to battle the forces of light. It's happening two miles away from where I'm sitting, right here in Old New Yawk.

The Waldorf-Astoria has hosted debutante balls, grand parties, weddings, crowned heads and heads of state, the idle rich and the world's hardest working celebrities. Tonight, the Israeli Defense Force is being honored there. The IDF Chief of Staff, Gabi Ashkenazi, is the keynote speaker.

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It's International Women's History Month and Where is Secretary Clinton?
Fighting Gender Apartheid Laws in Iran

March 8, 2010  •  Pajamas Media

Madame Secretary Clinton: Where are you on this? For that matter: Christiane Amanpour, your father is Iranian, you grew up in Tehran, you are proudly "ethnic" — where are you on this? How are either of you working to free the women prisoners of Tehran?

To Secretary of State Clinton's credit, she has issued a video message which repeats the words of her 1995 speech in Beijing: "Human rights are women's rights, and women's rights are human rights. … Women have made great progress but there is a long way to go."

Madame Secretary: Is issuing your old words enough? Is translating them into Persian (which you've done) enough? Is hosting an International Women of Courage event (which you are doing later this week), in which one awardee will be from Iran, really enough?

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The Goddess That Failed

March 5, 2010  •  Pajamas Media

For years now, newly arrived refugees have been contacting me. They write to tell me that they've lost nearly everybody they once knew. Their whole world is gone now. Some whisper over the phone. Others write long letters. They ask me how I've managed.

I am talking about ideological refugees from feminism, leftism, gay liberation, socialism, and progressivism.

Yesterday, I received a letter from someone in Berkeley. She tells me that, earlier this week, she was "overjoyed to see the feisty Tikvah students on the steps of Sproul Plaza giving out Israeli flags and t-shirts and dancing in circles," and how afterwards, some "went to confront the theatre of the absurd, enacting the checkpoints." Referring to the feminist movement in Berkeley, she asks: "Could you ever have believed it? From anti-patriarchy to pro-Hamas in a few decades?" Her letter continues:

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Woman's Inhumanity to Woman
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