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  • Thursday, 25 March 2010
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Pan Africa

Photo: G8

G8 Scorecard Shows Britain with Highest Compliance Rate

Nations still lag in fulfilling development promises

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Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro to Raise Awareness about Safe Water

Grammy Award-nominated musician Kenna organizes Summit on the Summit

A group of child beggars stand in the streets of Kano, Nigeria on 17 Nov 2009

African Union Commissioner Calls for End to 'Harmful' Traditional Practices

Bience Gawanas, commissioner for social affairs says these harmful cultural practices include female genital mutilation and child brides

Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith, 4 Mar 2010

Australia Pursues Trade, Better Relations with Africa

Australian FM Stephen Smith says that although Canberra had ignored Africa before, it was time to take relations to new level

The Global Research Alliance on Agriculture and Greenhouse Gas Emissions would share information gathered from this South African community-based irrigation project (File)

Study Finds Many Africans Blame Themselves for Climate Change

The report from the BBC World Service Trust and the British Council, set out to learn about public understanding of climate change

A mother watches over her child who is suffering from severe malaria in the Siaya hospital in Western Kenya (2009 file)

Health Officials Using World Cup to Fight Malaria

Officials use music, football to boost awareness of preventing malaria, which kills one million Africans each year

U.S.-led training of forces across Africa such as here in post-conflict Liberia is drawing new scrutiny (file photo)

Experts Scrutinize US Role in African Security

United States established US Africa Command, or AFRICOM, in 2007

water spigot

WHO, UNICEF Say Global Access to Safe Drinking Water Increasing

But, bad news is that efforts to provide good sanitation to hundreds of millions of people are lagging behind


African Union Desires Former Niger President's Freedom

Peace and Security Council Chairman Ramtane Lamamra says Mamadou Tandja should be freed on humanitarian and reconciliation reasons

French President Nicolas Sarkozy delivers his speech during the opening session of the international conference on major forest areas, in Paris, 11 Mar 2010

French President Calls for Stronger Forest Preservation Effort

Nicolas Sarkozy is calling for rich nations to contribute more to fighting deforestation, particularly in Africa and Latin America

New Grassroots Effort to Pressure G8 to Fulfill Earlier Promises

At the Table Campaign targets June summit in Canada

The game was originally designed for university students in Africa, but in the first few days, 8,000 players from around the world - most from the United States - signed on

World Bank Online Game Invites Youth to Solve Global Problems

Players from 120 countries already participating in EVOKE, designed to get young people involved in finding solutions to urgent needs


U.S. Trade Panel Reviews Tensions over Global Access to Medicines

Annual report seeks to balance intellectual safeguards for drug companies against poor countries’ wider needs for generic drugs

Annie Lennox arrives on stage to perform at the 25th Anniversary Rock & Roll Hall of Fame concert at Madison Square Garden in New York (file: Oct. 30, 2009)

London Meeting Looks at Road Ahead for HIV/AIDS Prevention

VOA spoke to ministers, aid workers, and campaigners about importance of keeping HIV/AIDS on global agenda

Engineers from the MV NIWA Marine cable ship, background, prepare to deliver the Internet fibra optic cable to Mombasa in Kenya from United Arab Emirates, 12 Jun 2009

US Firm Urges Affordable Internet Access for East Africa

Last July, fiber optic cable went live off Kenyan coast, putting Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda on information superhighway