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  • Thursday, 25 March 2010
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Special Reports

Berlin Wall 20 Years Later

In the 1950s, millions of East Germans – including physicians, engineers and other professionals – were fleeing to West Germany due to dissatisfaction with their political and economic situations. The East German government erected a wall in 1961 – first dividing Berlin and then along the entire border with West Germany – as a barrier to prevent their movement from East to West.

The wall separated the two German countries for 28 years. During that period, over 5,000 people escaped by making their way over, under or through the barrier. More than 200 died attempting to escape; thousands were captured. The wall became a worldwide symbol of repressive communism.

In 1989, as communist governments lost their hold in eastern Europe, the border was partially opened by East Germany. That measure led to the momentous opening of the Berlin Wall on 9 November and eventually, the reunification of the two countries.

In this series of reports, VOA examines the history of the wall and the 20 years of political changes and social effects since its fall.

View our slideshows:

Pictorial History of Berlin Wall

Potsdamer Platz, Germany (Photos by VOA news writer Gabe Joselow)

Joy, Caution Mark Berlin Wall Celebration

Current, former world leaders join tens of thousands of people on celebrating 20th anniversary of Berlin Wall's fall

Visitors gather at Potsdamer Platz

Germany Marks  20th Anniversary of Collapse of Berlin Wall

European heads of state and dignitaries from the United States began arriving in Berlin late Sunday to join German Chancellor Angela Me

Clinton Urges Europeans to Bring Down "Walls" of Terrorism, Oppression

US Secretary of State speaks in Berlin on eve of 20th anniversary of fall of Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall Remembrances Vary

The demise of the Berlin Wall and all it stood for hold different memories for different people

Dominoes being set up at Reichstag

Berlin Prepares for Celebrations 20 Years After Fall of Wall

Main event will be a long line of oversize dominoes running in part right across front of Brandenburg Gate to nearby Reichstag

East Germany's Berlin Wall

Fall of Berlin Wall Marks End of Cold War

Gorbachev played key role, policies paved the way for the dissolution of communist power in Eastern Europe

People standing on Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall Crumbled 20 Years Ago

Wall crumbles along with Communist East Germany

1989: Berlin Wall Falls Without a Shot Being Fired

Economic, military vulnerabilities in the former Soviet bloc, and Mikhail Gorbachev's reforms paved the way for the dismantling of the

Former World Leaders Remember Fall of Berlin Wall

Germany's ex-chancellor Helmut Kohl, former US president George H. W. Bush, and former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev honored at gathe

Cover of Frederick Taylor's 'The Berlin Wall - A World Divided 1961-1989'

Berlin Wall Anniversary Sparks Look At History

British historian Frederick Taylor is author of  'The Berlin Wall - A World Divided 1961-1989'

Post-Communist Tensions Are Between Civic, Material Values

Social activists say governments cannot narrow differences in absence of civic values among ordinary citizens

Hungarians Have Mixed Feelings About Collapse of Communism

New survey by global online research group Ipsos indicates only one Hungarian in five believes their country has changed for the better

Hungary Commemorates 20th Anniversary of Iron Curtain Collapse

But celebrations are overshadowed by concerns over Europe's future

Map of Hungary

Hungarians Commemorate 20th Anniversary of End of Communism

However, opinion polls show growing number of Hungarians dissatisfied with political changes that have occurred since then

20 Years Later, Hungarian Revolution Still Resonates in Europe

Hungary's decision in 1989 to open its border with Austria, allowing East German refugees to flee to the West led to the end of a divid

Hungary Marks Anniversary of Beginning of Collapse of Iron Curtain

Former refugees from then-communist East Germany, aid workers still recall often traumatic experiences that preceded mass exodus to fre

Poland's Solidarity Falls Victim to Own Success

Loss of state subsidies, global competition and declining ship orders replace communist system

Young Gain Job Advantage in Post- Communist Societies

Many in post-communist societies say younger people can deal better with unemployment uncertainties than older workers who had guarante

Poland Observes 70th Anniversary of World War II

Ceremonies come amid controversy between Poland and Russia over war, in which some 50 million people died

Russian President Dmitri Medvedev (file photo)

Medvedev: Not All Hopes Realized After Berlin Wall Fell

Russian president makes remarks in interview with German magazine 'Der Spiegel' ahead of 20th anniversary of fall of Berlin Wall

Map of Russia

Impact of Berlin Wall Collapse Still Rippling Through Russia

Russia still struggling to lead effective military alliance, to modernize resource-driven economy, and to liberalize authoritarian poli

Hungarian Foreign Minister Gyula Horn (r) with Austrian counterpart Alois Mock cut through barbed wire of former Iron Curtain marking border between East, West in Sopron, Hungary, 27 Jun 1989

Debate Still Rages Over Who Won Cold War

Controversy over Soviet communism's collapse continues 20 years after 1989 East European revolutions

The Berlin Wall In South Carolina

Berlin Wall Stands Tall...In South Carolina

Two segments of the Berlin Wall remain erect in Spartanburg, South Carolina, as a memorial.

Fall of Berlin Wall Had Impact on African Continent

Analyst says ideological struggle for influence in Africa brought political assassinations, military coups

Velvet Revolution Inspires and Disappoints

The 20th anniversary of the 1989 revolutions in Central and Eastern Europe is a peaceful transition from totalitarianism to democracy