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Q&A: finding information on the "Aid to Families with Dependent Children" program

Question: I'm trying to find information about the Aid to Families with Dependent Children Program and was told it could be in some of the government documents at Green but I have no idea where to look. Is there a way you could point me in the right direction?

Answer: You'll be able to find a lot of information and statistics in the federal government documents collection as well as in the secondary literature (journal articles, books, and other library material). Below are a few links to get you started.

My strategy was to look for primary materials (government documents including Congressional hearings, reports and documents, reports from the Congressional Research Service or CRS which is basically Congress' think tank, and reports and statistics from the agencies involved in the program -- Social Security Administration and US department of health and human services) and then look for research and analysis in the secondary resources like books and academic journal articles. Please let us know if you need more information.

Databases to search for secondary literature and research (NOTE: all of these are licensed databases requiring Stanford SUNet ID to access. Here are directions for off-campus proxy access):

Please contact the Information Center for more research assistance.