At a glance

East Asia Library

Locating materials

Chinese Books

Currently Chinese books at the EAL have two different call number systems: Library of Congress Classification System (LC) and Harvard-Yenching Classification System. LC call number always starts with alphabetical letter, for example:

DS777.53 .L546 2005
PL2727 .S2 Z363 2005

Harvard-Yenching call number starts with numeric digits, such as:

4292.3 2135
9155 1143

Chinese books with LC call numbers are housed in the mezzanine level of Meyer Library except for large multi-volume sets, such as the Si ku quan shu. Because of the space shortage, we are sending most big sets to the Stanford Auxiliary Library (SAL2) on campus.

Chinese books with Harvard-Yenching call numbers are all housed in SAL2 except folios (oversize books). To access this collection, users can go directly to SAL to browse and check out materials. East Asia Library materials in SAL can be paged to East Asia Library circulation using the SAL Request Form or directly from the item record in SearchWorks. Normally it takes 2 days for the books from SAL to be delivered to the East Asia Library for pick-up.

Japanese Books

Japanese books have two different call number systems at EAL: Library of Congress Classification System (LC) and Nippon Decimal Classification (NDC). LC call number always starts with alphabetical letter, for example:

HE559 .J3 N58 2000
PL528 .S547 2001

Nippon Decimal call number starts with numeric digits, such as

351 MI47
366.059 JR59R

Most LC classification Japanese materials are held in the mezzanine stacks, with large multi-volume sets located in SAL2. All NDC classification materials are held in SAL2 except for folio/oversize materials. For detailed information on the call number ranges of Japanese books housed in SAL, please check with staff at the front desk (725-3435). To access this collection, users can go to SAL directly to browse and check out materials. EAL materials in SAL can be paged to EAL circulation using the SAL Request Form or directly from the item record in Searchworks. Normally it takes 2 days for the books from SAL to be delivered to EAL for picking up.

Korean Books

All Korean books are assigned LC call numbers and housed in the mezzanine of Meyer Library.

Reference Materials

 Chinese, Japanese and Korean reference materials are located at the north end of the Reading Room. Unlike the rest of the collections which are filed separately, reference materials are shelved together (interfiled by call number, not language) and all are non-circulating. Chinese annuals are current year in Reference and back volumes in the stacks at the mezzanine. Some Japanese annuals are in the reference, the rest are kept in the mezzanine.

New Books

New book shelves are located behind the front desk. Selected titles are displayed for one month and then moved to the stacks. New books can be checked out.

Journals and Periodicals

All current issues of Japanese and Korean as well as majority of Chinese journals and periodicals are on the display shelves.

Current issues of journals and periodicals are non-circulating. Bound volumes are housed in the mezzanine stacks or in remote storage (SAL3). The current location is noted in the online catalog record.


The East Asia Library currently subscribes to 62 newspapers (42 Chinese, 10 Japanese and 10 Korean). Recently received issues are on the newspaper shelves in the Reading Room, the back issues of current newspapers are in two locations: issues after July 2002 are stored in SAL3; issues before July 2002 are in SAL Newark. 星島日報,世界日報,明報,國際日報, 中國時報 are retained only for one year. Monthly and reduced editions of 朝日新聞 and 日本経済新聞 published since 1997 are housed in the stacks.

Back issues of newspapers located in SAL Newark can be requested online via the Searchworks record. Newspapers are non-circulating and can only be used in-house.


The library holds over 30,000 reels of microfilms or microfiche, all of which are housed in SAL2, and must be paged for use in the library. It takes 2-3 days for the requested materials to be delivered. The library has a microfilm reader/scanner to scan the microfilm documents to PDF. Patrons can arrange to have microfilms put on hold for use in the Media Microtext Unit in Green Library.


CD-ROMs are kept in a locked media storage. In order to access the materials in this collection please check with the staff at the front desk. For a single title or single CD-ROM in Chinese, they can be checked out for one week. (Not applicable to all the Japanese titles.) CD-ROMs must be returned directly to the East Asia Library and can only be renewed in person.

DVDs, VCDs and Videos

All film materials, including DVDs, VCDs and Videos in Chinese, Japanese and Korean are kept in the Media-Microtext Center in Green Library. For circulation policy, please check the Media-Microtext center web page.

Art Books

The East Asia Library collects materials on Chinese art and art history in Chinese language which are kept in the Art and Architecture Library. For access and circulation policies, see the Art Library web page.