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Health Care


Health care worker talking to a patient behind a privacy curtain | Reuters/Stefan Wermuth
June 5, 2015

Daniel Kessler: The Anti-Competitive Risk of “Accountable Care”

Stanford researchers find that vertically integrated healthcare systems charge higher prices.


Elizabeth Holmes
February 4, 2015

Elizabeth Holmes: “I Wasn’t Weighted by Influences That I Couldn’t Do It”

How a college dropout became the youngest self-made woman billionaire.


Someone looking at a health insurance open enrollment form
June 16, 2015

Alain Enthoven: How to Fix the Affordable Care Act

A Stanford scholar explains why we must break away from employer-sponsored insurance.


 child sitting in a wheelchair at the Center for the Rehabilitation of the Handicapped in Yaounde, Cameroon
June 16, 2015

Taking on the Challenges of Health Care in Africa

As the types of illnesses change throughout the continent, half the population still lacks adequate health services.
Insights and ideas on operations, information, and technology, including the management of systems, processes, and networks.
Learn how companies and organizations can become social innovators and contribute to social change around the world.

Latest Stories in Health Care

June 16, 2015

Taking on the Challenges of Health Care in Africa

As the types of illnesses change throughout the continent, half the population still lacks adequate health services.
June 9, 2015

Stephan Seiler: Can Hospital Competition Save Lives?

Why market forces in healthcare are good for patient care.
June 4, 2015

Robert Chess: Big Data is Driving New Healthcare Business Models

What if algorithms could predict how often someone will get sick, and make it easier to shop around for medical procedures?
June 1, 2015

Three Ways to Transform American Healthcare

Hospitals should adopt these popular business strategies.
May 26, 2015

Paul Auerbach: Lessons from the Disaster Zone

A Stanford doctor who’s worked in Nepal and Haiti explains what leaders should know before the next natural disaster strikes.
May 22, 2015

Kate Bundorf: What Really Drives Medical Treatment Decisions?

Money matters, but it’s only one part of a complex system of influences.
May 5, 2015

Six Days in Nepal

A Stanford doctor travels to the devastated region as part of the relief effort.
May 1, 2015

Five Trends Shaping the Future of Sports

At Stanford GSB’s Sports Innovation Conference, technology took the spotlight.
April 24, 2015

Ron Gutman: “I Am Really Focused on the User”

HealthTap founder has redefined doctor visits.
April 16, 2015

Edith Elliott: “Healthcare Is an Essential Human Right”

An entrepreneur discusses risk, honesty, and why the families she serves in India inspire her.