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Social Innovation


Kat Taylor and ranch manager Jeremiah Stent on the TomKat Ranch, in Pescadero, California. | Jim Wilson/The New York Times/Redux
June 17, 2015

Kat Taylor: Changing the Face of Philanthropy

A bank CEO explains what finance, food and climate change have to do with charitable giving.


Tourists photograph a costumed flutist in Luoping, Yunnan Province (National Geographic Creative photo by George Steinmetz)
February 5, 2014

Researchers: How to Create Sustainable Tourism in Rural China

By making key changes to the normal supply chain supporting tourism, a group of researchers look to alleviate rural poverty.


An environmental activist with green paint on his hand gives a plant to a car driver | Reuters/Sigit Pamungkas
May 21, 2015

Why Social Movements Should Favor Collaboration over Confrontation

What the Nature Conservancy can teach other groups fighting for social change.

Latest Stories in Social Innovation

June 17, 2015

Kat Taylor: Changing the Face of Philanthropy

A bank CEO explains what finance, food and climate change have to do with charitable giving.
May 28, 2015

Vinod Khosla: Be Wary of “Stupid Advice”

A Silicon Valley VC shares his thoughts on persistence, the importance of believing, and when to ignore the spreadsheet.
April 29, 2015

Saumitra Jha: How Financial Innovation Helped Start the English Civil War (and Why That’s Important Today)

A Stanford scholar explains why financial mechanisms could be useful to align diverse interests.
February 4, 2015

Elizabeth Holmes: “I Wasn’t Weighted by Influences That I Couldn’t Do It”

How a college dropout became the youngest self-made woman billionaire.
January 5, 2015

Sarah Soule: How Corporate Activism Alters Companies

Companies that are targeted by activists become more socially-responsible over time.
November 17, 2014

How Nonprofits Make the Ask: Framing Donation Requests

Giving gifts to donors is not always the best way to seek contributions.
November 12, 2014

Frank Flynn: Are People in Need More Generous?

Research examines how experiencing physical distress can impact charitable donations.
September 24, 2014

Former BP CEO John Browne: Why Coming Out is Good Business

In an excerpt from his new book, a former oil executive explains why he kept his gay identity a secret for decades.
February 5, 2014

Researchers: How to Create Sustainable Tourism in Rural China

By making key changes to the normal supply chain supporting tourism, a group of researchers look to alleviate rural poverty.
January 29, 2014

Glenn Carroll: How Do Local Businesses Affect Social Policy?

New research explores the impact of gay-owned businesses on anti-discrimination laws.