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Borrow, renew, return

These pages explain circulation services and policies at the Stanford University Libraries, including borrowing periods, renewals, and return policies. While policies vary by library and user privilege level (faculty, staff, undergraduate, alumni, etc.), books typically have longer lending periods than other materials, such as DVDs and media. Still have questions after reading these pages? Contact

Course Reserves

Course Reserves are items requested by faculty and instructors to be made available for short-term lending from an assigned library circulation desk or from the Media & Microtext Center in Green Library. Items may include library-owned or instructor-owned materials.

For students

Finding reserved items

  • Visit the Course Reserves pages in Searchworks.
  • Search by Course ID or instructor name and note the library and call number.
  • Request the item at the library's Circulation Desk or at the Media & Microtext Center in Green as noted.
  • Your instructor may also have placed course materials in Coursework as linkouts to web resources or as PDF documents.

Using reserved items

  • The loan period is established by the requesting instructor and is issued at the time of checkout, usually 2 hrs to several days. DVDs on Reserve at the Media & Microtext Center may be used for 4 hours.
  • Some libraries permit overnight use of course reserves when picked up before library closing; these items may require a prompt early morning return. Please inquire about the policy on overnight use from the lending library.
  • Renewals are not permitted. Return items to the Circulation Desk. Late fines are steep! $1 per hour, up to $30 maximum per item.

For instructors

  • Use the Course Reserve Form to place print & media materials on reserve for your course.
  • Create a Coursework site to manage other course materials and link out to web resources or to post documents.
  • If you would like to place personal materials on Reserve at a chosen library, please fill out the Course Reserve Form then deliver the item to the circulation desk with a note for the staff, telling us your contact information and how we may return the items to you (via Interoffice mail or otherwise) at the end of the quarter. 

Faculty/Instructors: Use the new online Course Reserves Request Form and the feature to assign another person editing rights for your reserves lists.