After Beamtime

Provide Feedback

Feedback is an important part of the Integrated Safety & Environmental Management System (ISEMS). Log in to the User Portal to complete an end of run survey after each scheduled experiment. User feedback is used to address issues and continually improve user resources and support. Feedback is shared with LCLS management, advisory committees and staff. Users are also encouraged to contact the LCLS Users' Executive Committee (UEC) to share suggestions or concerns.

Inform us about your LCLS Publications, Theses, Patents & Awards

LCLS needs your help to compile metrics that demonstrate scientific accomplishments and productivity. As the first hard X-ray laser facility in the world, it is extremely important that LCLS users share the results of their experiments through scientific presentations and papers. By contacting us when exciting results are about to be published, we can work with users and the SLAC Office of Communication to develop the story and to communicate user research findings to a much broader audience. 

Additionally, as members of the SLAC community, LCLS scientists have the responsibility for ensuring that any manuscript based on research conducted at SLAC which has been (or will be) submitted for publication outside of SLAC is also published as a SLAC Publication. Several help pages are available through InfoMedia to help authors meet reporting requirements.

All publications, and student theses, related to work fully or partially undertaken at LCLS should contain the following acknowledgement:

"Use of the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515."

For a list of LCLS-related publications, please visit Publications.

Participate in the LCLS Users' Organization

The LCLS Users' Organization (LCLS UO) provides an organized framework for interaction between the scientists who are interested inl using the Linac Coherent Light Source and LCLS/SLAC Management.

The LCLS Users' Executive Committee (LCLS UEC) is the formal organizational unit of the LCLS UO. LCLS UEC members are elected by the members of the LCLS user community. The UEC communicates the needs and desires of users regarding LCLS operating policies and use of LCLS, user support. THe UEC meets periodically throughout the year and has a Users' Conference in early October.

Participate in the LCLS Seminars, Workshops and Conferences

LCLS seminars, workshops, and the joint LCLS/SSRL annual users' meeting provide opportunities to learn about the latest user research results, current/future capabilities and new science opportunities as well as to interact with other scientists and providers of accelerator and light source related products and services.