Collaborator Checklist

These instructions are provided to help proposal collaborators prepare for LCLS beam time.

1.  Before traveling to SLAC, log in to the User Portal to register as a new user (include your proposal spokesperson, number, instrument, scheduled beam time).

Confirm that a User Agreement has been completed with your institution.

2.  Review important access changes and complete the following steps:

3.  Complete all training before visiting SLAC (including Traffic Safety Course 154 and Cyber Security Training).

From the User Portal find your SLAC ID #, confirm your training and access status,

4.  Reserve accommodations at the Stanford Guest House.

Identify yourself as a "User" for rooms set aside for users during busy Stanford events. If no rooms are available, ask to be included on the wait list so they can contact you if space opens up. See other local lodging accommodations.

5.  LCLS users, whom the proposal spokesperson has authorized on his/her Beam Time Support Request, can obtain an LCLS UNIX account via the user portal.

Click the link from the user portal welcome page, Review/request Unix Account. Or, mouse over to "User Information" in the navigation bar, and select "Computer Accounts" from the pulldown menu, then click on "Request Unix Account" (NOTE: this will only work if the proposal spokesperson has authorized you to obtain a SLAC Unix Account and you to not already have a SLAC account. Let us know if you run into any problems.)

6.  When visiting SLAC, be prepared to show photo identification at the Main Gate, visit the Security Office Building 235 by the main gate to obtain a new ID badge and/or proximity access.

Review SLAC access requirements.

7.  Prior to entering the experimental area or starting any experiments, check in with User Check-In Coordinator Jackie Kerlegan in the URA office in Building 120, Room 211 (Monday-Friday from 7 am - 12 noon and 1- 4 pm (except holidays).

8.  Before departing SLAC, return your dosimeter (if issued) to URA or Security. Return your SLAC ID badge to URA or Security at the conclusion of your experiment if you do not plan to return.

9.  Complete an End of Run survey through the User Portal to provide immediate feedback from your experiment

10.  Review the Guidelines for Collaboration, Publications and Press of LCLS Experiments as well as Public Communication Process Guidelines.

Work with your proposal team and spokesperson to inform the LCLS User Research Administration (URA) office when papers are accepted or about to be published. Communicating research results with us in advance allows us to work with users, their home institutions and funding agencies to promote the latest LCLS science and to amplify media efforts through press releases and features. User publications are extremely important in demonstrating the scientific impact of LCLS. Submit papers online through the LCLS Publication Submission webpage. Acknowledge LCLS and the DOE Office of Science in presentations and publications using this template:

Use of the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515.

11.  Contact the URA team to answer questions or provide assistance (650-926-2079/4738/8758).


We look forward to your visit to LCLS!