LCLS User Check-In Procedures

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1.  Review and complete checklists for Proposal Spokesperson/Lead Contact or Collaborators.

2.  Upon your first visit to SLAC (or if you do not have a proximity activated ID badge), turn right at the main SLAC entrance and visit the badging office in the Security Building 235

  • Badges must be worn and visible at all times while at SLAC.
    • If you do not plan to return to SLAC, drop off your ID badge with URA or Security before you depart.
  • Dosimeters are only issued for users working with Radioactive Materials or in an Radiologically Controlled Area (RCA).
    • Return issued dosimeters at the conclusion of your experiment.

3.  After obtaining your photo ID badge from SLAC Security, check in at the User Research Administration (URA) in Building 120, Room 211, prior to going to the LCLS Experimental Hall or starting any experiments. The URA office is staffed Monday-Friday from 8 am to 4 pm. 

4.  Read the Access Guidelines; complete and return the agreement on the last page to URA (this is an annual requirement).

5.  New users need to attend the safety orientation talk and hutch operation training.

  • For LCLS, check in with the Floor Coordinator (FC) upon arrival. The FC will provide a building orientation and will coordinate the LCLS hutch specific orientation with either the instrument scientist or area manager. Check the LCLS operating schedule to plan your visits accordingly.
  • For SSRL, this training is given at 2 pm. Meet in the Bldg. 120, URA office Monday-Friday shortly before 2 pm (the safety talk is generally not available on SSRL maintenance/accelerator physics days.) This small group, hands-on facility specific training lasts approximately 20-30 minutes. You will be registered for this training when you arrive for check-in. Check the SPEAR operating schedule for information on dates when SSRL will be DOWN for Maintenance, Accelerator Physics, Holiday breaks or 'Low Alpha' operations so that you can plan your visits accordingly:

6.  Contact Lisa Hammon or Cynthia Patty for training and access to use sample preparation laboratories and equpiment.

7.  Contact Lisa Hammon, Dan DePonte or Jake Koralek to request access to the LCLS Injector Characterization Lab (ICL) which provides tools for fabricating and testing sample delivery systems onsite and remotely.

8.  Contact Kelley Ramsey (650-926-8663), your LCLS instrument scientist or area manager for help to coordinate supplies or services to support your experiment or for help with items to be shipped to or from SLAC for your experiment.