Spokesperson Checklist

These instructions are provided in help the proposal spokesperson (or their lead contact) prepare for LCLS beam time.

1.  Log in to the User Portal to submit a beam time support request.

From the outline on the Welcome Home page, click on Submit beam time support requests for approved proposals  (or from the top blue navigation bar, select "Beam Time Request" then "LCLS Proposals" to view your active proposals). Select "Create Beam Time Support Request" to ackowledge your beam time allocation and provide the requested information.

  • Provide a "Lead Contact" if you will NOT be on-site to supervise this experiment.
  • Confirm the Instrument for your experiment.
  • Indicate if each collaborator will visit SLAC to work on-site (Click 'Onsite') or work on data remotely (Click 'Remote'). 
  • Indicate if your collaborators request access to the Sample Preparation Lab.
  • Indicate if your collaborators request access to the LCLS Injector Characterization Lab (ICL) which provides tools for fabricating and testing sample delivery systems onsite and remotely.
  • Check the box “Needs Unix Account” for each individual whom you authorize to obtain a SLAC computer account for this experiment. See additional SLAC Computer Account instructions below.
  • Add new collaborators to your proposal team by clicking 'Add Another Person' at the end of this section. Please instruct any new collaborators that you add to register in the User Portal (and include the proposal number, beam line and date scheduled).
  • All international shipments require additional documentation and export control approval.
  • Each user group must have a User Financial Account to procure gases, chemicals, supplies or services requested to support their experiment.
  • Click 'Next' to continue to complete the safety information. Disclose and thoroughly describe all materials, equipment and any other potential hazards that you may bring or use while at SLAC. LCLS Safety Officer Ian Evans may contact the proposal spokesperson to review potential hazards, required training, controls, or personal protective equipment. If you have questions related to any safety procedures at LCLS, please contact Ian Evans.
  • “Submit” your beam time support request when completed.
    • Contact the URA team to add collaborators to your proposal team to modify your beam time support request after it has been submitted and accepted by LCLS.
2. Obtaining a SLAC computer account and accessing LCLS experiment elogs to participate in proposal data collection and analysis is a multi-step process:
  • LCLS users must:
a) be registered in the user portal,
b) have a SLAC ID #,
c) agree to the ‘Use of SLAC Information Resources, and
d) complete SLAC cyber security training.
  • The proposal spokesperson or their designee must identify collaborators who need a SLAC UNIX account when they submit their beam time support request (BTSR). LCLS users, whom the proposal spokesperson has authorized on their BTSR, then log into the user portal with their email address (request a password if needed). 
  • After submitting your Beam Time Support Request, obtain your UNIX account by logging into the user portal. Click the link from the Welcome page, Review/request LCLS Unix Account, or mouse over to "User Information" in the navigation bar, and a pulldown menu appears.  Select "Computer Accounts"), then click on "Request LCLS Unix Account" (NOTE: this will only work after you have authorized a SLAC Unix Account on your BTSR and if you to not already have a SLAC account.)
  • The experiment spokesperson, or his/her designees, must add (or remove) users to the experiment group through the PCDS Web Portal.  Click on Manage -> POSIX Group under the Experiment tab.


3.  A User Agreement with each user’s home institution is required for everyone participating in experiments.Check the status of user agreements to confirm that each of your collaborators' institutions have a valid use agreement.

4.  Make reservations for out of town users at the Stanford Guest House as early as possible. Identify yourself as a "User" to access rooms set aside for users during busy Stanford events. If no rooms are available, ask to be included on the wait list so they can contact you if space opens up. See other local lodging accommodations.

5.  BEFORE TRAVELING TO SLAC, inform your colleagues about access changes. Ensure all experimenters are listed on proposals & beam time support requests and complete the following steps:

6.  Coordinate your experiment preparations with the LCLS Instrument Scientist and area manager who will be your Point of Contact/SLAC Supervisor for your visit for LCLS beam time,

7.  Review the Guidelines for Collaboration, Publications and Press of LCLS Experiments as well as Public Communication Process Guidelines.

8.  Attend meetings in Bldg. 5 Main Control (MCC) with Accelerator staff to give a brief presentation about your experiment on the Wednesday before you are scheduled to start (4:15 pm). Also, plan to attend the daily 8 am meetings during your experiment to discuss progress, problems, questions, etc. (arrive sharply at 8 am and present 2-3 slides). 

9.  Exercise caution when driving, biking or walking at SLAC as construction projects are underway and many roads have limited lighting, signage or shoulders for emergency pull off. Remember to share the roads with other people, vehicles and animals, particulary dusk through dawn when visibility is reduced. If you have any problems, need any assistance or observe any suspicious activity while at SLAC, contact Security at 650-926-2551. For EMERGENCIES, CALL 911 OR 5555.

10.  Before departing SLAC, return your dosimeter (if issued) to URA or Security. Return your SLAC ID badge to URA or Security at the conclusion of your experiment if you do not plan to return.

11.  Complete an end of run survey to provide immediate feedback from your experiment.

12.  Inform the LCLS User Research Administration (URA) office when papers are accepted or about to be published. Communicating research results with us in advance allows us to work with users, their home institutions and funding agencies to promote the latest LCLS science and to amplify media efforts through press releases and features. User publications are extremely important in demonstrating the scientific impact of LCLS. Submit papers online through the LCLS Publication Submission webpage. Acknowledge LCLS and the DOE Office of Science in presentations and publications using this template:

Use of the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515.


If you have any questions, please contact User Research Administration.

We look forward to your visit to LCLS!