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2015-16 Economics Seminars

Fall 2015

Date Speaker Title
Sep 23 Sylvain Chassang
Princeton University
Collusion in Auctions with Constrained Bids: Theory and Evidence from Public Procurement
Sep 30 Marek Pycia
Efficient Bilateral Trade
Oct 7 Tamas Fleiner
Eötvös Loránd, Budapest
Stable Matchings Through the Eyes of a Mathematician
Oct 14 Anne-Katrin Roesler
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
Is Ignorance Bliss? Rational Inattention and Optimal Pricing
Oct 21 Roland Strausz
Humboldt University of Berlin
A Theory of Crowdfunding — A Mechanism Design Approach with Demand Uncertainty and Moral Hazard
Oct 28 Roger Myerson
University of Chicago
Local Agency Costs of Political Centralization
Nov 4 Eduardo Faingold
Yale University
The Value of a Reputation Under Imperfect Monitoring
Joint with Martin W. Cripps, UCL
Nov 11 Glenn Ellison
Fast Convergence in Evolutionary Models: A Lyapunov Approach
Joint with Drew Fudenberg and Lorens A. Imhof
Dec 2 Alex Frankel
Booth School of Business, The University of Chicago
Selecting Applicants

Spring 2016

Date Speaker Title
Mar 30 Ben Golub
Harvard University
Expectations, Networks, and Conventions
Joint with Stephen Morris, Princeton
Apr 6 Ran Spiegler
Tel Aviv University and University College London
Bayesian Networks and Boundedly Rational Expectations
Managing Non-Rational Expectations: A ìMonetary PolicyîExample
Apr 13 Michael Peters
University of British Columbia
Can Mechanism Designers Exploit Buyers’ Market Information
Apr 27 Pietro Ortoleva
Columbia University
Designing Dynamic Contests
May 4 Jeff Ely
Northwestern University
Moving the Goalposts
May 11 Caroline Thomas
University of Texas at Austin
Career Concerns and Policy Intransigence: A Dynamic Signalling Model
May 18 Balazs Szentes
London School of Economics
Buyer-optimal Demand and Monopoly Pricing
May 25 Jack Fanning
Brown University
Mediation in Reputational Bargaining
Jun 1 Alessandro Pavan
Northwestern University
Dynamic Matching Auctions: Experimentation and Cross-Subsidization