


Things Happen

In life, it pays to be prepared for the unexpected. The following are some life events that may impact your benefits coverage or may call for updating your benefits information:

Health Events

When an illness or some medical condition requires an absence of eight or more calendar days, you may be a candidate for short-term Voluntary Disability Insurance (VDI). After 90 days, you'll be eligible for Long-Term Disability (LTD).

Injury At Work

If you are injured at work, be sure to contact your Human Resources Manager or Faculty Affairs Officer to file a Workers' Compensation claim. They will direct you on where to get prompt care and help you get back on your feet. Learn more about Workers' Compensation coverage.

Injured/Die While Traveling on Stanford Business

Stanford's Business Travel Accident Insurance plan pays a benefit if you are accidentally injured or die during an official university business trip. For coverage information, read the Certificate of InsuranceBusiness Travel Accident (BTA) Certificate of Insurance
Business Travel Accident (BTA) coverage summary


Benefits coverage will change if you or a family member dies. If you die, your surviving eligible dependents will be offered coverage under COBRA. If a family member dies, you may adjust your benefits to match your new needs. Read our brochure for surviving family of an employee or retiree. Find it on the right side of this page under Resources.

Name Change

For campus employees, notify your payroll department if you change your name. They will make sure your new name is shared with your benefit plans. SLAC employees should contact the Records Department. You may want to consider making changes to your beneficiary information for life insurance or retirement savings plan. Log onto MyBenefits in the upper right corner of this page and/or Stanford Retirement Manager.

Address Change

Update your address. Remember, your medical plan eligibility is based on your home zip code. You must make changes within 31 days of the first day your new address takes effect, and if necessary, select a new medical plan. Note: SLAC employees should contact the Records Department at 650-926-4112.