


Taking Time Off

There are many reasons to take time off — sabbatical, maternity leave, vacation and grieving, to name a few. Depending on the type of leave you are taking, you may need to make changes to your coverage status or home address on file with Stanford. You must contact Stanford Benefits within 31 days of the event.

Family Leave

Family Medical Leave is used at the same time as other short-term disability (it runs concurrently), including leave due to work related illness or injury. Eligible employees are assured up to 12 weeks unpaid leave during any 12-month period. The calculation period is changing on January 1 2015; see details of the FMLA Calculation Change.

For more about Family Leave.

Family Temporary Disability Insurance

Family Temporary Disability (FTD)Family Temporary Disability Benefits FAQ
Common questions about using Family Temporary Disability (FTD) benefits at Stanford.
provides temporary disability insurance benefits to eligible employees who take approved unpaid time off work to care for a seriously ill family member or bond with a new child.

Learn more about Family Temporary Disability Insurance.

Maternity Leave

There are several options for expectant parents:

Learn more about Maternity Leave options.


Short-term and long-term disability programs are available to provide income protection when you are unable to work due to disability or extended illness.

Learn more about Stanford Disability Programs.

Death Of A Close Family Member

Subject to approval by your department and your eligibility, you may take up to five days leave with pay for absences due to the death of a close family member.

See the Stanford Administrative Guide for more information.

Other Time Off

For the following leave situations, please refer to the Stanford Administrative Guide: