About the Canary Center at Stanford

At the Canary Center, researchers are dedicated to building tools for early cancer detection. We envision a two-stage diagnostic strategy consisting of blood-based diagnostic tests to identify individuals who are likely to have cancer, paired with molecular imaging to pinpoint and verify a cancer type. The Center is the first in the world to integrate research on both in vivo and in vitro diagnostics to deliver these tests. A two-stage approach to early cancer diagnosis is critical for helping to avoid unnecessary procedures, while still maintaining the sensitivity needed to identify as many cases of cancer as possible.

To help achieve the two-stage diagnosis strategy, the Canary Center houses state-of-the-art core facilities that are used by faculty to identify and validate biomarkers of multiple cancers, to develop new imaging techniques, to develop new imaging agents, and new research and clinical tools. The Canary Center cores provide equipment and expertise that facilitate collaborative research. Having the best equipment and core staff means researchers can find answers more quickly, leading to the rapid development of potential clinical tests.

Projects at the Canary Center include: investigations into modeling the heterogeneity of cancer, using new technology to develop and test biomarker panels for ovarian and prostate cancer, screening for new biomarkers of breast cancer, and developing new imaging techniques for prostate, breast, ovarian, lung, and head and neck cancers. The Canary Center is a world-class research facility and will continue to expand in the next few years, expanding our faculty from four to eight and occupying new buildings that will double our research space at the new Stanford University Technology and Innovation Park.