Preclinical Imaging Instrumentation
Vevo 2100 Ultrasound
The Vevo® 2100 system expands the functionality, flexibility and image quality of the Vevo 770 system, operating at frequencies never before achieved with solid-state array transducers. The new MicroScan™ transducers provide increased frame rates, superb contrast, unrivaled resolution and a wider field of view. The system is easy to use, non-invasive and fast, providing extremely high throughput when needed.
- Superior resolution, 30 microns
- Uniform image quality through entire FOV
- Color and Power Doppler Modes for blood flow quantification & anatomical identification
- M-Mode single line acquisition allowing high-temporal resolution for LV functional analysis
- 3D-Mode Imaging & Volume Analysis
- Nonlinear Contrast Imaging
- Advanced measurements & quantification
Bruker Xtreme 4MP
The Bruker Xtreme 4MP is designed to provide high sensitivity luminescence and fluorescence imaging and high-resolution digital x-ray imaging. In addition, it has the capability of imaging radioisotopes with a high-speed phosphor screen. For bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging, the CCD camera of the 4MP is deeply cooled to -65°C resulting in a very low electronic noise (3e-). A large CCD detector (27.6 x 27.6 mm, 13.5 μm pixel size) coupled with a fast lens provides superior luminescence sensitivity (< 50 photons/sec/cm2/sr), which is very important for low light output applications.
- Camera Sensor Type Back-thinned, back-Illuminated 4MP
- CCD and Pixel Size 27.6 x 27.6 mm,13.5 μm
- CCD Tempreture -65 C Absolute typical
- Imaging Pixels 2048 x 2048
- Quantum efficiency >95% at 550 nm
- Field of View 7.2cm x 7.2cm min, 20cm x 20cm max
- Dark Current 0.004 e/s/pixel
- Min. Detectable Radiance <50 photons/s/sr/cm2
- Filter Slots 28 Excitation, 8 Emission
Genesys4 PET/X-Ray
G4 PET/X–RAY is a multimodality scanner that allows a quick scan for mice and rats with fully–integrated docking stations/imaging chambers and a painless acquisition/reconstruction software platform. G4 PET/X–Ray is the first system to break away from a conventional ring-based system by surrounding the animal (mouse full body and rat head/trunk) with four panel detectors, a novel system model, and iterative reconstruction. More detail description and system manuals can be found in Downloadable Specs.
Laser Repetition Rate Mass Range Mass Accuracy Resolution Resolution (broad mass range) MS, 200 and 400 Hz; MS/MS, 200, 400 and 1000 Hz 100 to 250,000 m/z (up to 1.2 MDa with COVALX HM2 Detector) < 10 ppm RMS with external calibration < 2.5 ppm RMS using internal calibration 30,000 for single peak in mass range 1200 to 3700 m/z > 16,000 for Angiotensin 1 > 18,000 for Glu1-Fib B > 25,000 for ACTH 1-17 and ACTH 18-39 > 18,000 for ACTH 7-38 *Provided by AB SCIEX (unpublished)
Computational Resources
The computer lab houses three workstations for general computational and data analysis. Currently available image/data analysis software packages include:
- Workstation 7 (Mac): OsiriX, ImageJ and Matalb
- Workstation 8 (PC): IRW(Inveon), Living Image, GE MicroView, Amide, Amira, ImageJ and Matlab.
- Workstation 9 (PC): IRW (Inveion), Living Image, GE MicroView, Amide, ImageJ and Matlab