

Devaki Bhaya

Principal Investigator










Anchal Chandra

PhD Max Planck, Dortmund 2011 Postdoctoral associate

Research interests: Elucidating Phototaxis mechanism in Cyanobacteria Non-scientific Interests: Traveling, arts, painting






Rosanna Chao

Graduate Student, Joint with KC Huang, Bioengineering

We are learning how the light environment affects motility of single cells, investigating the action of photoreceptors, and studying how factors such as exopolysaccharides might affect collective motility. I enjoy reading, dancing, music and theatre, cycling, climbing, sitting in a park, traveling, cooking, and writing in my food blog





Michelle Davison

Postdoctoral, Biology, Stanford University

Michelle Davison was born and raised in California. A pervasive sense of wonder for living things has been a strong motivating force in her life, leading her in seemingly opposite directions: on one hand, a love of scientific discovery, and the other, creative expression. Drawn from Experiments






  Haojie Jin


 In the lab, I am working to develop a synthetic biology pipeline to engineer nitrogen    fixation and other metabolic pathways into unicellular cyanobacteria. I am also developing new molecular tools for the model cyanobacterium Synechocystis  sp.PCC 6803.








  • Single cell microfluidics with Richard Zare, Department of Chemistry, Stanford (graduate Student Eric Hall)
  • Mathematical modeling of phototaxis with Doron Levy, Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland (graduate student Amanda Galante)
  • Simulation of multicellular communities with Kerwyn (KC) Huang , Department of Bioengineering, Stanford, (graduate student Rosanna Chao)
  • Metagenomic analyses with John Heidelberg and William Nelson (Biological Sciences, USC)
  • Analysis of metagenomes and viromes with Serafim Batzoglou and group, Department of Computer Science, Stanford
  • Analysis of diversity in deep sequence data with Daniel Fisher, Department of Applied Physics, Stanford, (graduate student Michael Rosen)
  • Shared laboratory facilities and interests with Arthur Grossman



  • SHEETAL GOSRANI, Masters in Computer Science, joint with Sami Khuri, Computer Science Dept, San Jose State University (2010-2012)
  • SUSANNE WISEN, Postdoctoral fellow,2008-2011
  • ROSARIO GOMEZ , Postdoctoral fellow,2009-2011
  • FARIBA FAZELI, Research Technician, 2004-2009, currently Aurora Biotech
  • ANNE SOISIG STEUNOU, Postdoc (2004-2007), currently Faculty, Laboratoire de Photosynthèse Bactérienne , Centre de Génétique Moléculaire -C.N.R.S. 11989, Gif-sur-Yvette cedex- France
  • MELISSA ADAMS, Masters student , Stanford University (2006-2008) Currently graduate student, Harvard University
  • NATASHA KHURI, Visiting Faculty (2004-2006) Computer Science, San Jose Sate University, Currently Graduate student, Bioinformatics
  • UCSF KENLEE NAKASUGI, Visitor from Neilan lab, University of New South Wales, Australia (2006)
  • OLIVER KILIAN, Postdoctoral Fellow (2005-2007), currently at Aurora Biotech , San Francisco
  • CLARE SIMPSON, Postdoctoral Fellow (2004-2005)
  • JULIANNA ROSS, Masters student, Stanford University
  • WING ON (JACKY), NG Postdoctoral Fellow (2001 -2003)


  • EMMA SEDIVY (Stanford University, 2012), Summer 2008-2012, currently Graduate program, MIT, FIRESTONE MEDAL for EXCELLENCE IN UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH, 2012
  • AMIR GHOWSI, Senior, Homestead High School, Cupertino, Summer 2012, joins UCLA 2012
  • GAYATHRI DILEEP, Junior,Mission San Jose High school, Summer 2012
  • MARISA BROWN, High school teacher, Summer 2012 (HHMI/ IISME/ STANFORD)
  • LI WEN, Computer Science Dept, San Jose State University, Winter 2011
  • MATTHEW BURRIESCI(Stanford University, '07), Summer 2004-2007, currently Graduate program, Dept. of Genetics, Stanford. FIRESTONE Medal for EXCELLENCE IN UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH, 2007
  • CANDICE CHERK, (Swarthmore College), Summer 2006, currently Graduate program, UC Berkeley
  • ERIC LEHNERT(Stanford University, '07), Summer 2004-2006, currently Graduate program , Dept. Genetics, Stanford
  • NIMNA RAMATUNGA(Concordia University, '08), Summer 2007
  • JAYA NAIR, (San Jose State University), Summer 2004-2005,
  • TOM DILLIG, (Stanford University, '06), Summer 2004, currently Graduate program, Computer Science Dept., Stanford
  • ISHIL OZGENER(Stanford University, '06), Summer 2004, currently Graduate program Computer Science Dept., Stanford
  • DAWNIS CHOW(Stanford University, '04) Summer 2003
  • JASON HOM(Stanford University, '04) Summer 2002
  • SAMIR KAPADIA(Rutgers Unversity '04) Summer 2003
  • ASHVIN KUMAR(Stanford University, '04) Summer 2002-2003
  • KUMUDA MURTHY(San Jose State University) Summer 2001
  • GEORGINA SALAZAR(Stanford University) Summer 1999-2000
  • PAYAM SHAHI(San Jose State University) Summer 2001
  • IRENE YANG(Stanford University) Fall 2000
  • KAITLYN BAAB, Castilleja School, currently Undergraduate ,Bioengineering , Stanford
  • SONIA BHATTACHARYA, Harker School Summer 2010, Currently UC Berkeley
  • MATTHEW HARTNUNG , Colorado College, Summer 2008, 2009