Department of Plant Biology
  Carnegie Institution for Science
  260 Panama Street
  Stanford, CA 94305
  Phone: (650) 325-1521212
  Fax: (650) 325-6857 
Our activities over the last five years have been extremely diverse, crossing over various disciplines. We have explored areas ranging from identifying new functions associated with photosynthetic processes, the mechanism(s) of coral bleaching and the impact of temperature and light on the bleaching process, metagenomic and genomic diversity among primary producers in hot spring mats, metabolic switching in mat communities (going from oxic to anoxic conditions), the regulation of sulfur metabolism in green algae and plants, the use of nanoelectrodes and atomic force microscopy to probe the structure and dynamics of the photosynthetic apparatus, and pathways for photosynthetic electron flow in photosynthetic microbes in marine and fresh water environments. We have also devoted significant effort toward generating a more thorough analysis of the Chlamydomonas genome and establishing various methods for examining the transcriptome and the function of proteins involved in photosynthesis and acclimation processes. The work from the laboratory is given in detail in the manuscripts listed under publications on the side bar.