Education and Seminars

Weekly Didactic Conference

The weekly didactic conference is held every Wednesday at noon and covers a broad spectrum of hematological issues. Topics include hematopathology (the first Wednesday of each month), management of hematologic diseases, laboratory medicine, and basic science research related to hematology. Interesting clinical cases are presented as well. Speakers for this meeting are invited from within the division, from other academic departments or institutions, or from local biotechnology companies.

Post Clinic Conference

At the weekly post clinic conference, new patients seen in the Hematology Clinics during the preceding week are presented. This venue provides a forum for discussion of management issues of complex cases, diagnostic challenges and morbidity and mortality of hematology patients. Community hematologists actively participate in this conference.

Journal Club

Journal club is held every Tuesday at noon. Either a faculty member or a fellow from the Divisions of Hematology or Blood and Marrow Transplantation presents a basic science paper, clinical study, or his/her own research. A lively discussion often follows these.